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Thursday, January 5, 2012

taking it further: stitching x 3

With the moon growing into fullness once again, this is a great week to take things further. So I've been stitching. Yesterday I closed up the neck opening on a brown peasant top that's been hanging in the closet for too long. Up to the pin up there. Because of cleavage and the desire to not show it. I don't get why an age-appropriate top would have such a low opening other than it's a ploy to sell a cami to wear under it. This is the second top I've done this with lately and I have one more to do. Has anyone else been noticing this?

Then I practiced a little frankenstitch.

This morning it was back to the hand for flying dreams. I'm loving red thread lately.

Speaking of, today I'm taking my thread stash further, too, for the frankenstitch class. Going to the fabric store to stock up. I think this'll be the first time I'll have made a special trip just to buy an assortment of random threads! So decadent -- does anyone ever do that? But, of course, I need to. For the class you know.


  1. The cami idea seems likley yes, hadnt thought about that lol I have always loved V necks but never felt comfortable displaying my cleavage, even when I was younger...and my chest was higher up..............! I have stitched afew up over the years too.
    What fun to be doing the Frankenstitch workshop! Will look forward to seeing what you get up to ............and its a necessary indulgence to restock threads and fabrics now and me...I know these things!

  2. Haha...but of course we must do that every now and then!! I did it many months back :)
    Liniecat- you made me laugh! What a smart solution, just add a few stitches :)

  3. i don't buy many clothes now, but, yes, i've done that kind of adjustment many, many times over. love your stitching. wish we lived thread stash is overflowing. i was just talking to my quilting friends today trying to figure out how to best organize all my floss. the other type threads are pretty much under control.

  4. I view stitching threads as a necessity! If I was a painter, I would have the necessary colors for my palette. It is only natural that one who paints with thread would need an ample palette of threads. Yes, I am stitching up low tops as well. There are some things after a certain age that best not been seen. Have a great day!

  5. Lyn, you made me laugh, too! I like v-necks, cuz they're slenderizing but when they're wide enough, then they're too low! Such problems, eh?

    The F-class is wonderful, I've never so freely stitched like this, in a way it could be life-changing.

  6. Nancy, well I did it. Then I went to the art supply store and bought some Pitt pens. Good times!

  7. Deanna, floss does seem to go astray and tangle up during the night, doesn't it? Just like the hose outside. If you come up with a good system, puhlease post it, I'm sure I waste a lot of thread because of the mess.

    F-stitch is very fun -- I know you already do a lot of unusual stitching but it's all new for me.

  8. Jeannie, now that's what I want to hear. You are absolutely and undeniably right -- about both the threads and the other. It's going to be wonderful to actually have enough colors that I can choose. There's something about green, I'm always looking for a green!

  9. Ha! I make a special trip for just one color of thread! It is my little luxury I allow myself once in a while because usually I lump all my errands together and only go where I absolutely need to.

    I think you are right about the low opening in the shirt. They wanna sell more camis!

    Have fun stitching : )

  10. My latest pet peeve in bought clothes is pajamas that don't come up to the waist...I fixed it with a horizontal strip added. It's so satisfying to be able to do this sort of thing! I love your moon hand cloth Peggy and that fudge looks Very Tempting.

  11. I had a huge stash from my cross stitch days. Used to go in with the "numbers" that I needed. Now i just pick the colors out like ice cream. Very satisfying and fun.

  12. I need to work on having more selection of colored floss. Lots of white as I work through my grandmother's pearl cotton. The shirts...I've done that. Also frequently have to sew gaps in button down shirts closed. :)

  13. Marie, sometimes it's the little things that go the furthest! And it feels good to not spend a lot of $$. Like getting a new box of crayons!

  14. Thanks, Suzanna -- and I agree that it feels good to be capable of making adjustments on clothes. I would love to take an alterations class sometime, too. I have noticed that it's super hard to find jeans that aren't low riders, probably the same with pj bottoms now. That's a good tip to fix them. I've decided to make my next pair of bottoms just as soon as the current ones fall apart, which won't be long now!

  15. Becky, oh yes I remember going in with the list, too! And you'd have to keep track of what number they were after you tore the labeling off which you had to do or you couldn't pull out thread. So you had to create something to number them or use the little white things.

    How freeing to stitch this way! Yay!

  16. Deb, it is, as Snail Cloth says, like picking out ice cream. I'm going to try to get to some estate sales, too -- seems like that would be a place to find good stash. I have some of my mom's but I use it sparingly so it'll last longer. Watch, someday it'll probably be in MY estate sale. Ha.

  17. i love what you have been doing..specially with the f-stitch..and still more with the hand for flying dreams!

    i really need to kick myself in the backside and get moving again...


  18. Joe, well, I've already torn out everything on the hand because it wasn't what I was seeing in my mind's eye. I'm thinking the roots might come out next. Just sort of unsettled about it....maybe you're resting so you won't have to tear stuff out like me!! Namaste.
