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Tuesday, January 3, 2012

another trade-off

Fudge. The kids took most of it home with them, but we have nine and five eighths ounces left. Wouldn't you know, the fudge turned out the year I'm on a diet -- even though my daughter didn't use a candy thermometer (I couldn't find one) -- even though it hardly ever turns out right even with a candy thermometer. It turned out, all right -- it's so good.

The trade-off is having a poached egg instead of my usual breakfast. At the other end of the day, I get an ounce or so of fudge.

This trade-off thing is okay.


  1. it's all about balancing...

  2. oh that looks so good. i treat myself to chocolate every once in a while.

  3. It looks scrumptious from here! I love that egg poacher thingy, cute. Have to try eco-dyeing in it?
    Have a great day

  4. Hi Cindy, Deanna & Nat! Oh yeah, gotta enjoy life -- all in moderation though, darn it -- that balancing thing.

    The little poacher is sort of unusual, I think. Have had a few and this is my favorite so far.

    It's time for my fudge now, gotta run...;-)

  5. it! I only get it when on vacation though...forced moderation! lol

  6. Fudge...sigh. I ate my allotment from my mother way to quickly. :)

  7. Deb, oh but the pleasure of having it so freely, without weighing every mouthful!!
