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Monday, October 3, 2011

half-moon day

Today is a waxing half-moonday in Capricorn. Every night now, we'll see this half-moon grow a little more into her shining fullness. It's a good day and week for us to grow into fullness, too, being this is an ideal time to make progress on anything we wish to take further.

I made a list with the heading take it further and realized when I was all done that I had seven items listed. So today and for the next six days, I'll be working on one of the items on my list. They're not huge things, but it's good to give myself this nudge when the planets and the moon are aligned just right.

Today I took it further on two cloths. The red sun became red sun flower and will be hung again. The other is the centerpiece of flying dreams. A moon was appliqued and outlined. See, not a big thing, but something, nonetheless, that helps me to stay connected with this project.

Look at that sweet little dandelion flower, it rained last night and there's a few out there this morning.

Capricorn days are ambitious, work-oriented, getting-things-done kind of days. The body influence is on the knees, skeleton, and skin where there can be a noticeable effect from overdoing -- and where problems in these areas are well-treated now, as well. Knee problems are almost epidemic these days and many of us are seeing the results of that running/jogging craze. Craze, for me, is a good word for it, hardly ever enjoyed doing it, must've been crazy, and it went on for years. So I watch it now but so far, so good -- these days I am just a dog-walking maniac.

Is there something you want to take further?


  1. really like ther sunflower petals hanging loosley like that, its looking great!

  2. loving that sunflower and how the petals are sitting one upon the other. and that red and white thread.

  3. There are so many things to take further. Right now I have lots of blog post ideas and feather ideas coming out of my ears...Oooo see there's another one: Feather Headed w/ the feathers coming out of the ears! Sometimes it feels like that! haha
    Love the sunflower! And the spool of magic sitting there :)

  4. Well no: not take further but start: with a new big cloth that's on my mind for some time now but doesn't get started .....
    I'll try ;-)
    Nice sunflower and moon!

  5. many many things. one piece in particular that i held last night, trying to see where to go, you've given me a nudge-thanks.

  6. Thanks for a lovely and encouraging write up on Capricorn days. Starting is never my problem so will start a few projects this month - Hugs Nat

  7. I want to take my creativity to a new level...
    I love the idea of setting a goal and working on several things, even if it is a little thing each day.
    Love that big sunflower and the little moon that you appliqued.

    I prefer walking any day...I walk 3 miles a day on my job. ( I put on a pedometer and that was the average).
    Now I need to add some aerobics and stop eating so much naughty stuff! : )

  8. Lyn & Deanna -- I'm glad you like those flower petals. I love them and have never made anything so loose like that. It is freeing to make something to be hung outside. Just thinking and thanking the spirit of sunflower while making two red stitches each...

  9. Nancy, that's funny! I'm the same way though, I don't know if it's having a blog or menopause!?!

  10. Els, thanks and I'll be watching for your new cloth project!

  11. Cindy, it must've been right there ready to surface and it will be wonderful!

  12. Nat, I'm sure these Capricorn days will be great for new projects, too!

  13. Marie, I'm hoping that I can do this take-it-further thing on a regular basis -- maybe always from the half moon to the full moon. There honestly couldn't be a better time for it. Plus a gimmick always helps me along ;) Wow, three miles a day must keep you in great shape, I'm thinking I do about 2 miles a day with the dogs but you'd NEVER know it, you're right, it's that naughty stuff!

  14. Naughty stuff gets me in trouble too. I think that would be one area I need to take further...more moderation with some of that stuff. And of course I have all these blankets.... :)

  15. Your creations are amazing!
    I am a Sagittarius and I can never make my mind up what 'craze' I want to do! I want to do ten things at once. I can't though.
    Much love

  16. Deb, with fall coming right along, it's the worst time of year for me to even think about moderation! Ha.

  17. Trish, thank you! I'm in that same club -- my Libra Moon makes me full of deer-in-the-headlights indecision. Maybe ten teeny-tiny things? xo
