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Monday, September 19, 2011

a grape moonday

The grape harvest from our little city vineyard has begun. One St. Theresa and two Concords, enough for conserve and juice and dyeing, just right for us with some left for our wild animal visitors.

Today is a waning moonday in the sign of Gemini. This waning moontime concentrates the fruition, knowledge, and experience gained during the preceding moon phases. Author Donna Henes puts it nicely: The new moon is the arbor, the full moon is the grape, and the waning moon is the wine stored in the dark moon cellar.

Did you notice how fast the weekend went, how spontaneous it felt, and how chatty you were? Well, that was an effect of an air moon. Bright and airy Gemini energy always seems to enliven things -- our thoughts go here and there and we are easily distracted, but oh can we gab.

Gemini influences the arms, shoulders and hands. Problems in those areas are well-treated now and they are also more susceptible. Last night when I was cooking dinner, I burned my fingers twice while not paying attention. Staying focused now is key!


  1. I love that "waning moon is wine" image, as wine reflects all that happened (the soil, rain, temperature, wisdom of the vintner.....).
    I once read that for Virgo, Gemini Moons are the time to "be a hostess", maybe because everyone will gab and we just have to nurture with food (and wine!).

  2. Jo, me too especially since I've had purple hands for three days now! It takes a lot of stemmed grapes to make a quart of juice.

    Easy-going Gemini seems to be a pretty good couple of days for everyone. Of course, we'll have to get all sensitive & touchy real soon now with Cancer right ahead. Just kidding!

  3. I'm learning so much from visiting your blog Peggy. Grape harvesting moon warning day! How interesting!

  4. Love the grapes with Buddha! : )

    "Focus" is my word for this year...

    The weekend flew by so fast I barely experienced it.
    My thoughts are like Winnie the Pooh...all over the place lol!

  5. Hi Nat, thanks for the kind words! I can usually find a connection between the moon and what's going on...

  6. Marie, thanks! And there you go, that's Gemini all right, when so many things go so fast!

    I'm working on focus, too. I always feel that time is speeding by and I think focusing is the key to feeling time expand rather than shrink. Does that make sense?

  7. You said it so focusing I try to "feel" each moment, therefore making time expand...I could not find the words to express my reasoning and you expressed it perfectly.
    : )
    Thank you.
    My astrological sign is Cancer, but close enough to Gemini, right?
    Time does seem to fly! I have heard that although time is an illusion it is "speeding" up...
    I know that sounds crazy, huh?

  8. Marie, thanks -- I've read this, too, about time speeding up. I think it's legit although I can't remember where I saw it. Maybe more than one might have something to do with the consciousness of the planet rising and that is good news!

  9. I love this photo, and what you say weaves some sense into last weekend!
