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Tuesday, September 20, 2011

feather mystery

A bit of progress for the Magic Feather Project. A beaded quill for one and a red blotch for the other. The third is still gestating. As I stitch, I wonder what these little pieces will be a part of and who might touch or count the rainbow beads. And I take pleasure in the mystery.

I noticed the plum tree to the right of the table has been totally stripped of its plums. The table is where the squirrels sit to eat, I had to sweep their mess off to take the photos. They have a good life.

So do I, and I'm grateful to even have this little plum tree with no plums.


  1. So many consider squirrles to be vermin here in the Uk. Mainly because since their introduction to Uk, (they are not native to us,) they now seriously threaten the very few small pockets of red squirrels we have left.
    Such a shame because their mischievous and aerobatic antics are fun to watch. Mind you I dont have them living in my back yard lolol so I can say that! I see them in the parks and the wild and see them at their best no doubt !
    Fab feathers. Posted two myself hope they get there safely...

  2. Lyn, I know what you mean, they are hilarious and only slightly annoying! They help the dogs get lots of exercise by teasing and taunting them, too.

    Thanks -- love making feathers, but I've really gotten sidetracked!

  3. love the beaded one!
    and squirrels...hmmm...
    outside my window at home- cute & funny
    at school getting into the kids' lunchboxes- rats with tails!

  4. Love the feathers!

    Since I have begun my fledgling attempt at gardening I view what ever grows as: I will take only what I need and leave the rest for creatures. I think that is a balanced approach.

    Gratitude was my word for yesterday...I was sitting in a parking lot (at work) on my lunch break and next to me was a small divider filled with flowers and lo and behold...the wee-est little hummingbird appeared...
    Magic! <3

  5. Yep, my dogs get lots of exercise barking and chasing the squirrels. I'm really hoping they stay out of the grapes this year, I don't have many.

    Feathers are looking great...

  6. i loved the last line of this post, and the feathers of course....

  7. Cindy, thanks -- I do suppose I wouldn't be very tolerant if they were stealing the food off my lap!! I remember the geese doing that to my kids when we ate at the park. And actually, a couple of times they were bitten by squirrels while feeding them and I went into panic about rabies. Live and learn!

  8. Marie, thank you! I like your gardening philosophy and try for that, sometimes I get a little possessive though.

    It's like the more grateful we are for something, the more we have of it. Love hummingbirds, I think they've all cleared out, like Lyn said the swallows have cleared out where she is.

  9. Deb, they do love grapes, don't they? Get 'em while you can! In CO this year, grapes are abundant along with raspberries but most other fruits barely, if at all, produced. Not a single peach or apple and about 6 pears...

  10. Thanks, Jude -- I figure it's easier on all concerned to be grateful rather than mad!
