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Tuesday, September 13, 2011

feathering the edges

I feathered the edges of the black & cream feather by stitching down the center and putting it in a load of laundry, as Jude suggested. It worked so beautifully, I think I'll do the same with the other two feathers for the Magic Feather Project.

Carrying this idea into life, I can think of a few hard edges that could use softening . . .  


  1. Ha! I'm doing laundry today, maybe will throw in something symbolic that needs the rough edges off of it!

  2. Wouldn't it be nice to throw things in the laundry to soften them up! Your feathers are beautiful.

  3. Perfect. Laundry magic! Part of the "Everyday Magic" series. :~)

  4. Jeannie, thank you! There's lots of hard edges in the world right now but maybe if I soften some of mine, it'll help. Although my body is already nice and soft! :-) I'm thinking that old thought patterns and judgments, etc. could use some feathering...

  5. nice choice of fabric for your feathers and what a great idea for fluffing them out.

  6. I need to try this too. And yes, it would be nice if we could soften some other hard edges.

  7. That is a brilliant way to soften the edges. Thank you for sharing that idea :)
    I love your fabric choices...nice!

  8. nice feathers and i especially like the spotty one. good idea to soften the edges.

  9. Deanna, Deb, Marie & Kaite -- thanks, the black & cream cotton has sentimental value because I found it in my mom's stash after she passed. And the idea to soften the edges is Jude's from one of her feather whispering posts! It really gives a lovely effect.

    Soft is good.

  10. this photo is great, so simple and nice.

  11. Jude, thanks. I really like this way of making feathers....

  12. i like the top left one. did you use the crease in the denim? clever.

  13. Cindy, thanks -- yes, it's from some little boys' jeans, one of those where the knees were patched over and over. Badly, I might add. I can say that cuz I was the patch-er!

  14. Thanks, Els! I'm loving feather-making...
