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Thursday, September 15, 2011





I sat and watched a datura plant, Datura spp., bloom one evening. That led to photographing a single bloom over a period of about 10-15 minutes. I tried to make a slide show, but evidently the only computer it showed up on was mine -- so I've condensed the magic into a few photos.

The bees impatiently await this time and have only a few minutes before they need to return to the hive for the night. Some find a little opening to slip in. The nectar must be as heavenly as the fragrance.

I don't have words to describe the sensuality of this bloom opening in the very same moments that daytime was closing. An overlapping of worlds.


  1. I saw the datura when we were on the Colorado River and they are amazing. Thanks for sharing!

  2. I imagine it would feel as if worlds are overlapping :)

  3. Jeannie, I bet it was so cool to see them in the wild! Love datura.

  4. Nancy, yes, it's not something I've done before in a conscious way, to sit still and watch the datura bloom while day leaves and night arrives...
