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Tuesday, July 5, 2011

tuesdays with mars

In keeping with the seasonal energies from Summer Solstice to Autumn Equinox, I'm focusing on the element of fire to learn to utilize its patterns, aspects and gifts. This post is about a gift.

Today, Tuesday, is ruled by the planet Mars -- and Mars also rules fire, energy, and movement. I think Mars has been at work in my life because there's been a little shift. I woke up this morning determined to do some unrolling.

Some of my rolled-up cloth projects with components mostly pinned and very little stitching. I felt like my flame had gone out.

But I unrolled some of the pieces this morning.

I guess something lit my fire. Mars, baby, is it you?

Are you feeling it, too?


  1. ta-dah!! and ha!
    something's cooking

  2. Lynda & Cindy, we're picking up the same vibes, I guess!

  3. I am done with another heart piece as of today...(unless I decide to add more stitching..hmmm?) but, yes I could say I am feeling motivated.
    Nice fabric weaving/planets and heart

  4. Marie, that's so cool -- can't wait to see what you've made! Again!! You are red hot.
    And, thanks.

  5. yes! this movement forward...this definitly moving through mind at the moment... you should see the stack of things i brought with me to work on tonight!

  6. "Stopped by" your blog. So beautiful. Fun seeing you yesterday. xoxo

  7. Oh wow, Joe! That's so cool. I love that so many of us seem to be on the same wavelength. What's that saying, birds of a feather? ha.

  8. Noel, you sweetheart! Thanks.
    Good time, good haircut. What more?
