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Wednesday, July 6, 2011


Last night I picked some beets from the garden for dinner for the first time this year. The best beet recipe in maybe the whole world is here and what makes it special is that the greens are served with the roots. That and the use of red wine vinegar instead of butter. My husband, who had avoided beets his entire life, likes beets now solely because of this recipe.

Beets are one healthy food. I read in Nourishing Traditions that eating beet tops in combination with their roots, as in the above recipe, is nutritionally beneficial. And elsewhere that eating a little grated raw beet on salads everyday is a good summer tonic food.

As long as my fingers were already stained -- I made up a beet dye bundle with silk organza. 

Probably won't be much of a surprise, now, will it?


  1. I love working with beets..gorgeous colour. good luckx lynda

  2. Yummy yummy all round there! Wonder if the leaves will do much though?

  3. i love pickled beets. what is that black and white cord?

  4. really? about your husband and beets . . .
    i don't like them.
    maybe. just perhaps this recipe could
    change my mind? hmmmmmmmmmmm
    :* \
    i'll give it a lookie see!

  5. Lynda, you've dyed with beets before? I'm curious, have they produced any color besides this purplish-magenta?

  6. Lyn, yummy is right! I was thinking maybe the leaves could/would change the more predictable color somehow? Ha.

  7. Deanna, it's a type of string -- I got a set of three from Sundance Catalog a while back -- red/white, black/white & green/white. Comes on a wooden spool. I looked online just now and they don't have it anymore. I just hate it when that happens because I really love it. Maybe it's a seasonal thing?

  8. Cristina -- it worked for him. He really did not like them, I mean REALLY! I think the red wine vinegar is key.

  9. I learned to love beets after having them roasted. So yummy! Had some for dinner tonight. I like them grated raw on to salads now too.

  10. it might be, i think beet dye turns to tan very quickly.

  11. Hi..beets dye anywhere from deep purple to very, very pale pink! x lynda

  12. Deb, and another good thing is that they grow pretty well -- a person can always count on radishes and beets to come up!

  13. Jude, uh-oh. I don't want that to happen. If it does, I'll have to over-dye it!

  14. Lynda, thanks, I'll keep my fingers crossed!
