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Thursday, July 14, 2011

small-moon cloth

There's that saying, start wherever you are and start small. I've been stitching on small-moon cloth and now think this might be a nice daily sewing meditation.

The small-moon cloth is from Lyn over in the UK. She and I had a friendly swap and it was in the package along with three other coordinating pieces y mucho mas (and much more)! This most-generous packet held cloth, stones from the sea, museum booklets, postcards, seaweed, and flower seeds -- and I'm sure I've forgotten something.

The reason I'm showing this, well besides that it's so wonderful, is that Lyn is having a giveaway at her blog, Liniecat @ Large, to celebrate a mark in time. If you leave a comment, you'll be in the drawing. You don't need to have a blog, just go visit and see the wonders this talented woman, with a makes-you-laugh-out-loud sense of humor, creates.

Thank you, Lyn.


  1. Bless your heart lovely lady!
    I have more of that circles if you need more to complete!

  2. By the way, it never occured to me to stitch round the circles....duhhh what a great idea!

  3. I love what you are doing with the circle fabric. What a fun exchange you two had. Have fun stitching!

  4. Lyn, it is such great cloth and really does look like moons, doesn't it? I am just floored by it, love it so much! The dots could be cut out here and there but that would be a waste. Or they could be connected with stitch to form shapes, it's endless, really...

  5. Thanks, Jeannie, I'll never look at polka dots the same again! -- and go put in for Lyn's giveaway, she packs a mighty good package, she does!

  6. A wonderful way to meditate, especially on a Full Moon! "Under the Full Moon light, we stitch.."

  7. Jo -- Oh yes! ". . . spirits, stitch, we stitch, joining threads, we stitch, joining souls, rejoice."
