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Wednesday, July 13, 2011

black & white

Last night, Tuesday being ruled by Mars and all, we had a quite exciting electrical fire on the power line running behind our neighbor's house with the fire department stopping by. The power is back on already so my plans to sit by the window and think and sew today have been usurped.

A wonderful new class has begun over at SpiritCloth. I was hoping to connect these pieces while taking the class.

If they were all black and white, it'd be much easier. Maybe I'll start with the black and white moon as the center. The moon is the meeting place of light and dark, it holds both, and it is what is between light and dark. Between the worlds where opposites touch.


  1. This is so beautiful. It has so many wonderful parts that create a gorgeous whole.

  2. everything fits so well together

  3. Jeannie, Lynda & Jude, you are too nice. They really don't seem to go together that great in true color. That's why I made it black and white. But I can see that making the photo b & w is a way to see dark and light values, I don't know if that's the right word, and that might be helpful here and in other component pieces.

  4. They are perfect together. What luck! I haven't start on anything for the class yet. My life is too hectic lately - Nat xoxo

  5. I think they look great together too! I especially like the window quilt piece and the black and white moon.

  6. Its as if the blue is fading or darkening into a blackness to me. Quite clever that and seems an interesting effect that light/dark you have there.
    Could you layer over it with a see through something to unify it, if your not happy with it as it flows now? Maybe a rainbowish voile in the right colours though?
    Maybe have windows or flaps here and there?
    I like the unusualness of it though!
    Im going to have to join in the diaries I can see that !

  7. Nat, Marie & Lyn -- Thank you, am in that don't-know-which-end-is-up phase with these and am open to any and all suggestions -- thanks, Lyn, for your ideas. This is the first time I've even hung them together -- so there's a ways to go before any decisions are made -- am waiting for a "moment" like Grace at windthread had, oh my gosh, it will be wonderful if/when it happens.

  8. THIS is just spectacular! paul klee. i look forward to more of what happens..........
