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Thursday, June 16, 2011

onion skin curtains

I miss the snowflake curtains. But I'm thinking some onion skin curtains might be okay, too. In keeping with my not sewing lately, this side is pinned on the rod.

The curtain for the other side was begun on the May full moon.


 A month has gone by -- time to uncoil the bundle -- I hope the two sides match!


  1. great idea for curtains. the onion skin dyeing is so easy and very satisfying.

  2. Deanna, I agree -- basically no work, no thinking, and no waste. Not necessarily in that order. Sort of a floaty look, too, to fit my June brain!

  3. That just gorgeous Peggy. Onion skins do give such rich color. In Japan I saw lot of indigo dyed curtains and norens. Great idea - Hugs Nat

  4. I love the ethereal soft look of the fabric.
    Did you see the moon tonight? (Thursday). I was driving home from work and did several double takes of the moon over the lake was RED! Have you ever seen a red moon in June?

  5. your curtains float with a
    a dreaminess, earthiness, profound
    softness beyond words...
    as one with less than an itty-bitty experience
    dying fabric, i'm amazed with the effect of
    those onion skins! really!
    perhaps the time has arrived> :* )

  6. Nat, thanks -- I love norens -- walking through a curtain feels wonderful! You've got me thinking, maybe I need some around here...

  7. Marie, oh I wish I could've seen that red moon with you!

  8. Cristina, thank you! Hey, if you use onions and vinegar, then you're set -- cuz I know you've already got the cloth!

  9. Smashing curtains!That moon might have been because of (volcanic? santiago?) ash sure I heard them say about it on the radio.
    Uk covered in blessed rain clouds so I certainly didnt see it....and its wimbledon the tennis tournament next week........traditionally the time it rains anyway in Uk! lol

  10. Thank you, Lyn -- wow, isn't that so amazing about the red moon and Chile and all?

    Happy rain over there. Wimbledon is a big deal here, too -- aren't we all so connected in about a million ways?

  11. Thank you, Rockisshell--this piece came out pretty nicely. Japan must have been just amazing!!
