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Wednesday, June 15, 2011

full moon fancies

first broccoli harvest

first batch of rose petal syrup

chive butter: 4 T. chopped chives and 1 T. lemon juice in 1/2 cup softened butter
outdoor hearth 

 getting ready for summer gatherings -- tray of jars for drinks

must always take time to drum on a full moon

must drum lightly for the bees

valerian as tall as me, 5’5½”

lots to do by tonight . . .

I hope you can see the beautiful full moon wherever you are! xo

Under the full moonlight
we dance
spirits dance
we dance
joining hands
we dance
joining souls


  1. this is a very FULL moon day you're having!
    love your cloths on the last post-borderline weird is a good thing.

  2. That outdoor hearth is fabulous!
    Also, I was reading yesterday about drumming and thinking it would be lovely to have a drum. What is your favorite drum and why? The back yard is what I call a fun spot! heaven :)
    Happy Full Moon.

    p.s. When I was leaving work last night the moon was sooo big and almost looked like a Harvest Moon.
    Amazing.... <3

  3. For some reason I was up late last night and caught a glimpse of the full moon. It was incredible...

  4. Cindy, thanks, and you're right, it was a very full-moon-day!

  5. Marie, the moon was beautiful in a clear sky here, too! I have two drums, the ashiko (a gift) shown here, and a Native hand drum with a drum stick that I bought at a pow-wow. For drumming alone, I really like the ashiko, with a strap I can put it over my shoulder to stand & walk around --or -- sit with it between my knees. In a group, I like the hand drum because I need to concentrate more on the ashiko. That's just me, no expert by any means, pure pleasure. I hope you get one!

  6. Deb, I love that we all got to see the same moon from all these different points. Sort of brings us together in yet another way...
