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Tuesday, March 1, 2011



I've been stitching on the gardening-jeans-turned-boro, saving them has become my cause. Three large patches on one leg alone, and more to go. I am concerned about future kneeling, bending, stretching, washing, and drying. Will they hold up even with this new outer layer? Is it really necessary that they be worn for strenuous, messy, outdoor work?

Maybe there's a little lesson in here. Maybe the jeans are me. I notice that I feel more effects from physical labor now. I need to do things smarter and it's sort of fun to rethink and revamp -- won't it be just fine if I lay a thick layer of mulch instead of double-digging every new planting bed? Maybe a change is needed for the jeans to be useful as long as possible. Like me. 

Yes, these jeans need to change vocations. From garden to house. Like housecoat, housedog -- work, wife, keeper, boat, coat, maid, etc. they will be housejeans. Where they can be worn and appreciated for their softness and comfort and the way they are permanently molded to my body. The velveteen rabbit effect. Like me.

Who knows how long we can last now?


  1. LOL, I know what you mean!I do not want to be disposed of! I do have a few older jeans that I need to do some patchwork on though. I've noticed that when I buy new jeans, they are just not the same anymore. Seems the fabric is much thinner. I like my old thick denims.
    I love reading about all your fabric crafts!

  2. These jeans look like some fancy designer jean with your handwork. They could easily be worn to some glamorous occasion. :-)

  3. They can be good for any jeans. Going out jeans, sit at a cafe in Paris jeans, stroll along High Park in London jeans and even walking in Ginza in Tokyo jeans. Love it Peggy!

  4. Cindy -- thanks for visiting! I agree, our older jeans are irreplaceable. The only problem is they don't contain 5% spandex and dang if that doesn't come in handy!

  5. Kathy, thanks for the encouragement!

  6. Nat -- You are planting ideas for some high living and I'm liking it!!

    I wish I was going to Japan with you guys. I'd wear the jeans when you wear your cool jacket.

  7. Had to chuckle at your comment about the 5% spandex coming in handy. HA Agree! Had to reread your moon post. Yesterday my right knee started aching and today it's really bothering me and I've NEVER had knee problems in my life. hhhmmmm??

  8. Helen, so sorry you've got a knee ache -- have you tried gently massaging the back of the knee in an upward motion? Hopefully, you will sleep it off and wake up feeling completely normal. Fingers crossed for you, Helen!

  9. The Velveteen Rabbit is one of my favorite Children's books! (One of my daughters has a "velveteen rabbit,
    named, "bun bun"~she is 12, going on 16. I still catch
    her holding bun bun close to her heart.
    : )
    Sooo sweet <3
    Anyway, the minute I saw your jeans I thought
    "love it!". Glad they are going to become
    house jeans : )
    A nice transition for well loved/worn "borrowed"

  10. i keep coming back here to look at your great patches. and i love the 2-tone stitching.

  11. Marie, I like that 12 going on 16! How precious she must be.
    And, thanks, glad you like the jeans, think I won't panic over worn spots on clothing anymore.

  12. Thanks, Deanna! That 2-color stitching is scarily addictive. And it's so satisfying to use 2 colors, like you're actually accomplishing something double! Like 2 for 1!

  13. spell check changed my word:

    to borrowed.

    lol! : )
