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Monday, February 28, 2011

circle of life moonday

circle of life

A few days ago, I came across the remains of a hawk's dinner, presumably. I realize it's part of the circle of life and there's just no way around that for any of us, but still. So, in keeping with the practice of gathering feathers found in my path, these were slowly collected with silent thanks, leaving the wing clusters and the soft downy feathers. I thought some bird parents might use the soft ones for nest-building, but I don't know about that. These beautiful feathers have been placed in a round basket at the foot of a little spruce tree in honor of the one who once wore them.

This moonday finds itself in a waning, decreasing, mode under the influence of Capricorn. Later tonight, it moves into Aquarius. Capricorn rules the skin and the skeleton, with emphasis on the knees; it is serious and focused. Aquarius rules the lower legs, with emphasis on the ankles, making tonight and the next two days a good time to stay off your feet as much as possible if you have problems with varicose veins. Our minds may feel like they're going a mile a minute under Aquarius; intuition can be more pronounced, as well.

This last week of the moon's cycle fuels the desire to let go in order to lighten the load and create space. It feels very much like the nesting instinct where you do the work and then wait. It is worthwhile to prepare for a new moon and the new possibilities it brings -- like it is worthwhile (and smart) to prepare for the birth of a baby and all the new adventures she brings.

This is motivation enough to continue the work of the pledge to resolve unfinished projects. And, self, do you think possibly, maybe, the kitchen counter tops could be cleared off for a little while, just until the new moon?

                                                                                                                                           food for thought

pledge work: this old project #2 is a rug-hooking kit that's, oh, about 12 years old and hasn't been touched since the summer it was begun.

                                                                                                                           primitive sunflower rug hook kit
The kit was designed and assembled by the instructor of a rug-hooking class. It was sort of a random choice of a class for me. I think I enjoyed the actual process but maybe didn't like the dark colors of this piece so avoided it thereafter.

On some level, there's a dilemma here -- to keep it together as the kit it is or break it up. Stash greed rears its head toward those soft, perfectly-cut wool strips. Yet a teaching in the Tao is to give something of value that you would like to keep. What does it say about me that I even have to think about it?

OK. I'm letting it go and envisioning it being held and appreciated in some happy hands. Sort of that circle of life thing.


  1. (salo) we all have the dilema of making a decision but generally the right one prevails. i think to give it up as it is and let someone else find joy in it is the right one. I wish it was easier letting go of "stuff" I'm suppose to be working on that this year. :)

  2. Well, I'd love to have it except that I don't know how to do it. Learning to hook rugs is something that's been on my list of things to do for many years. Maybe some day you can show me how it's done.

  3. You know, when you give something like this kit to someone who reallly wants, needs, likes, doing the creative work, it's such a joy to watch that person enjoying not only the gift itself, but the end result !!! hope that makes sense, ha : ) I know this from a recent (last year) experience, ohhhh it was wonderful : ) Thank you for another moooonday post, my knees have been aching since yesterday : ) Have a wonderful weeeek : )
    Blessings, Sandra AZMtnWoman : )

  4. Helen, darn near everyone I know is working on getting rid of "stuff" -- it's a big club we're in!
    I guess it's almost a good thing that I didn't get more of it done -- that way someone won't have too much to take out if they choose to redo it with their own hands.

  5. Kathy, I don't remember either, I'd have to get out the books!

  6. Sandra AZMtnWoman, you're so welcome. I get the feeling that you're very much in tune with the lunar influences -- and you can count on pain relief, hopefully, within a few days.
    Yeah, giving is good, both ends of it. I can't remember ever being truly unhappy for giving something away. Have a great week!

  7. I am touched by your reverence and gratitude
    for all life and the "feather ceremony"...beautiful <3
    You are right about wanting to de-clutter and
    move the energy.
    I have resisted going to a little cottage in the woods
    that sells wool for rug hooking because I am afraid
    I might become addicted to wool and rug hooking

  8. Marie, that about says it all -- declutter and move the energy . . .

    A little cottage in the woods sounds seriously magical. From your description alone, I bet you won't hold out too much longer!
