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Wednesday, August 9, 2017

more than expected

And there is more Dyer's coreopsis for drying and dyeing. Everyday there is more, this plant blooms her heart out.

It started with needing a cloth for my little altar table, something that would reflect this month of August with all its vibrant colors -- too soon to go into the dark.

A pre-cut stack of cotton squares was put to good use. A spontaneous project from the start, I didn't want to overthink it or be too precise. 

Our Talula on her spot outside the back door gnawing down a rib bone for both calcium and cleaning her teeth. It was meaty when she started.

The result of the bindweed dye I made with homegrown bindweed vines (ha)...a soft gold on silk and cotton, darker on wool. 

Flowers were picked during a drizzle. Once I had the cloth ironed I couldn't wait for a vase of flowers. 

The patchwork isn't backed and bound yet, I couldn't wait for that either. I'll do that in September with some kantha stitching as well.

The onion blossoms are setting seed, more than anyone could ever want. I'll save a bit but hope for some to self-seed which might be a long shot. There were at least three ladybugs nestled inside this one blossom.

I have been posting on Instagram regularly lately. There is a link on the sidebar if you are interested -- you don't need to use a smart phone to view photos on Instagram.

The garden in August is lush and productive, always offering so much more than I think it will. One year before a harvest ritual, my friends and I left written prayers of gratitude here and there in the garden...pinned to tomato cages, attached to plants or placed on the ground and held down with stones or candles. The next day I collected all the papers with the beautiful prayers, some were written from the heart, some were poems or short essays. I want to do this again on my own. I feel deep gratitude for this life, this place where I have landed.

August does that to a person. xo


  1. I love your altar cloth with the bouquet. The array of coreopsis makes me smile. They are such happy flowers and they do bloom their hearts out. I went scavenging for flowers today. The lilies and glads are almost done. The heat has done a number on the annuals, but the roses came through for me. Have a wonderful rest of the week.

  2. Ah Peggy, you've done it again. The coreopsis is floating and you've totally captured your August in the cloth. I am very grateful for you landing where you are too...and then sharing with all of us. xo

  3. Rich beyond delight. Everything is bursting with color and gratitude. Coreopsis is one of the most generous flowering plants! I got the seeds from Nemo Hill (Judes brother) when I had the church garden and for years before they cut it all down, that plant adorned the plot with gold well into the end of Fall.

  4. Happy sigh... August is being lovely, this year. Cool nights, sunny, breezy days. Perfect!!!!

    Love seeing August, as part of the Autumn Season. It brings more joy... to me... this way. Instead of feeling I am hanging-on-by-the-skin-of-my-teeth, to fading summer. :-)

    Lovey projects. Oh yes, vibrant colors for Autumn. Oh yes!!!!!

    I always see Autumn as overflowing with.... Abundance! Fullness! Bounty. Ripe to bursting! Full of Rich happy, happy, happy...

    Gentle hugs,
    Luna Crone

  5. Love the alter cloth, pieced together like our prayers and our thoughts.

  6. Love your coreopsis marching along, they do have so much color in those tiny blossoms.
    Your alter cloth and vase of flowers are wonderfully rich in color, color just right for the season!

  7. Peggy, I love your harvest ritual offering prayers of gratitude, and your last thought on deep gratitude for "this life, this place I have landed." I am moved...

    Your love of vibrant colors always inspires me.
