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Wednesday, May 11, 2016

lilac honey


I'm happy to say that Bringing in the May takes all 31 days.

Cards were made. Bliss and hope are part of an ongoing process to create a personal oracle deck.  The idea is to choose a paper image that conjures up the spirit of a seasonal word and then paste it onto the face of an old card. I imagine that as the oracle cards and I get to know each other, an image alone will be sufficient so at that point I'll probably peel off the word.

Lilac honey was made. First I picked lilac stems from different bushes, then I filled a small jar with the blossoms and filled it again with local raw honey. The fragrance in the room was intoxicating. It will be strained after a few days because lilac blossoms are naturally slightly bitter...but infused in honey...let's just say the whole is much greater than the sum of its parts.

I love a tablespoon of herbal vinegar added to water as a source of minerals and to enhance digestion -- think I'll include a spoonful of the lilac honey too, as Dr. Jarvis recommends in the old-time classic Folk Medicine.

In Vermont folk medicine there is an extremely simple prescription for replenishing...the body. It is as follows: 2 t. of honey and 2 t. of apple cider vinegar, taken in a glass of water one or more times a day...the blend tastes like a glass of apple cider. The vinegar brings across from the apple its mineral content, the honey brings across the minerals in the nectar of flowers. ~Dr. D.C. Jarvis

Makes me pretty happy to see the bright and tender new growth of the spruce trees. And oh, the colors of sun child dandelion playing with moon child lunaria....more happy.

We are having coolish days with a 100% chance of more rain tonight. 

Weather means more when you have a garden. There's nothing like listening to a shower and thinking how it is soaking in around your green beans. ~Marcelene Cox

Thanks for visiting and may all your gardens grow, inside and out. xx


  1. Refreshing - beautiful - and wise. i too use apple cider vinegar in a large glass of water and drink it through the day. It's so helpful...changes the Ph balance too. It's what my mom did and what grandma Slater did. Folk wisdom is good wisdom.

    It will be lovely when your oracle deck is complete. you might consider laying them all out and color xeroxing cheaply to sell a few packs....if you are interested. Meanwhile just pretty to watch the process.

    I'm attempting lemon/ginger honey with my next honey purchase at the farm market..had some lovely stuff sent as a gift so trying to replicate it.

    I love seeing the lush of your garden. Any news on new bees?

  2. Lilac honey! Lilacs are in full bloom here in Helena, MT, so I will be clipping some and adding honey to give it a try.

  3. I do love to see lilacs and their scent is luscious. What a great idea to use it with honey!

  4. Ahhhhh the scent of lilac .... and that in honey ???
    Must be heaven ;-)

    Ha, great bunch of dandelions ! (lots of little suns)
    (and fluffy moons afterwards : see "feathers from heaven")

  5. A pretty post, lots to see and admire. The lilacs are stunning, too hot to grow them here I think, so I enjoyed your photos.

  6. Lilac honey sounds wonderful! What wouldn't be good with infused with lilacs? Ours have finally bloomed about a week late, it's been a cold Spring.
