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Saturday, September 19, 2015


I'm hunting for baskets all over the house. Baskets are the very best container for drying plant material because air can circulate. Sometimes I place the basket on a makeshift pedestal (a glass or bowl) to help things along even more. The pinkish-red flowers are trimmings from a pelargonium, not sure how well they dry so it's just an experiment for the dye-pot. From there moving counter-clockwise are calendula, basil, dyers coreopsis, sage and lemon verbena with Japanese indigo in the middle.

The first lesson in my first watercolor class over at Daisy Yellow. Using good watercolors with a good brush on good paper for the first time, too. Love love love watercolors. I never knew.

Evenings and mornings are pleasantly cool-ish in Denver now. Yesterday I even wore a shawl while I had my cup of Irish Breakfast tea outside. I'm looking forward to sweaters and scarves and socks again.

Even though it's already half over, I wish you some very happy weekending. xx


  1. Those natural colors all gathered together are gorgeous! I've been taught to provide even the youngest children with real materials and tools to use in their explorations. It does inspire a different level of value and respect. Your journal phrase has me curious!

  2. beautiful watercolor. i do love watercolors but i'm not very good at using them. need to spend more time with them.

  3. Here too---cool and I am also looking forward to socks and sweaters. The shift is on and I welcome it.

    Your colors are delicious...and me too with water colors/// Nothing like quality tools.
