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Tuesday, February 3, 2015


pathways is my 2015 full moon sewing ritual -- long embroidered paths across an old thrifted linen runner, one path for each full moon. Turmeric yellow certainly seems to be following me around lately -- it's a strong feel-good color though and I like it. The meandering fern stitch is nice and easy. Gives me the mental space to do some inner meandering -- thinking about good things that have come to be and how grateful I am that they have. Moonwork. 


  1. that yellow is truly beautiful on the linen. at first glance i thought it was an old piece of leather.

  2. But the pathways aren't round!!! (read in a child's whiney voice) OK Miss Peggy...while I like your thoughts behind it...I was wondering what you'd do with the moon this year! I guess this is another lesson for me on my word this year, "open". OK, I'll stop now (wink wink).

  3. Ritual is prayer.
    Prayer is a path.

  4. All of your moon, milk, mountain & more work has me feeling very happily full.

  5. A great way to wonder through the full moon's paths, and as a bonus you'll end up with a beautiful table runner.

  6. I just love the yellow on linen. The meandering fern is so sweet!
