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Monday, November 3, 2014

needle book moonday

It is cold and wet outside on this waxing moonday in Aries. There might even be a little snow tonight -- just when we were starting to believe that autumn would be nothing more than a continuation of late-summer. Only a week ago I picked the last of the green peppers while lots of late-planted dill is still blooming and a big clump of lemon grass awaits its harvest. The bees have been out foraging daily but the time has come to get them ready for winter.

Step-by-step, I'm stitching a Rumi-cloth patch for the front of a needle book. I've never used or even owned a needle book before but think I'm going to like it. Because something or someone steals my needles during the night. The same something or someone that tangles up the garden hose every night all summer long.

Our Aries moon has really great assertive energy for starting new things. The general feeling though is that projects begun during an Aries moon will need long-term planning to see them through to completion -- Aries is so fiery it just fizzles out completely sometimes. 

I like a good strong start, it almost has to be to withstand all the second-guessing I do at the beginning. 

And I'm wishing you a good start to your week, too.


  1. the Rumi cloth is such a beautiful background for your stitching. we go from 44 degrees in the morning to 78 by afternoon but that will change shortly, i'm sure.

  2. Hi Peggy, Love your Rumi bird, can't wait to see your finished needle book.

  3. a needle book is mighty handy. i have grandma"s

  4. There's still quite a bit of Rumi cloth left, too, since I only use bits and pieces here and there. We have sun today, too!

  5. Thanks, Nanette -- you're back from your travels!

  6. Jude, that would be the best.... :)

  7. i wonder if you have a prankster fae stealing your needles, you must make some rules! ;-)

    i think you will love your needle book too, it is so charming!

    I also looked at some of your posts below. You have been making gorgeous things and embracing autumn in cherishable ways.

  8. Really like your collection of fabrics & how the blue moon grew. I think the pincushion eats my needles.

  9. Always comfort and clarity here...I may have asked before, but "Did you make that Rumi cloth?

  10. Love you needle book, the base with the Rumi cloth is wonderful.
    I think you will enjoy having your needles kept safe in it!
