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Friday, August 29, 2014

love and learn

I used my yarn swift and ball winder to wind about half the yarn for the hitchhiker. Either the ball winder or I had an off day, we haven't decided yet who's to blame -- and what should have taken about five minutes took an hour. What a tangled mess. I finally gave up and just wound the second ball by hand. The swift fits on this outside table better than any table in the house so that helped make things more pleasant, being in that little patch of shade right by the garden, listening to the blue jays honk and holler all the while. 

The hitchhiker calls for size 3mm (US2) needles. It's going to take a while and I'm glad -- slow knitting, you know.

One of the indigo vats from last week still had pigment so I dipped a pair of faded blue jeans the other day and again today, they look so great now. This is the life. 

I've been interchanging the words live and love to see what comes up Love and learn. Love for today. Love your life. Live it. 

Thanks for visiting and happy weekending. Live. 


  1. i have the same swift and i, too, sometimes have trouble getting the swift and the ball winder to cooperate....but it sure saves time when it does. the jeans did come out a new pair.

  2. Hey there...lovely pictures, little shrines and enterprise. You are living for sure, AND loving. Relevant to that, I've been sharing this song like mad 'cause each time I do I get to hear it again. It just makes me SO Happy--

  3. and, in case that link doesn't work--this one will--

  4. Deanna, I did a search for problems with ball winders and think I found the cause for the mess I had. It's that metal guide -- needs to be pulled all the way out. Hope that works!

  5. Michelle, oh thank you so much for the link. I've just spent about 30 minutes listening to Ages and Ages. I love their music and that one-time take of Do the Right Thing is just amazing!

  6. Dipping the jeans was magic...Ta-Da! New again! How come when I look at our little pyramid I think, "sell it"...But when I see yours I'm taken away by the artistry! Makes me want to send you my stuff so you can make it all look pretty!! Haha
    I like the coloring of the yarn and the teeny tiny stitches of the Hitchhiker...and the wood they sit on. In my world they are called tree 'cookies' and are used in playgrounds and block corners and anywhere else creative teachers and children think of. I have one of those little marble sculpture too. Mine is a one piece mother and child. I gave it to my mama years ago on Mother's Day and now it is back with me, on my dresser that was hers. Full circle. Love in the moment, baby!!
