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Friday, December 6, 2013

flower cloth

A little winter eco-dyeing is in the works lately -- indoors, that is -- although I can't wait to use the antique stove Jan got me a few months ago. I'm happy for it to be a stand to just set dye-pots on, but he's also willing to hook it up to gas for simmering and boiling and brewing. It would be permanent then though, and for some reason I'm not quite ready to make that commitment for the space. But who knows.

Our Thanksgiving Day flower bouquets were so lovely and it came to me that something could be done with them. One dye bundle is beige/brown wool and the other is cotton. They've been steamed and are now being pressed under a stack of books (thanks again, Kathy) -- in a week I'll open them up.

The other day I was cutting back the leggiest stems of a sun-starved old-fashioned rose geranium. This is the same plant that's placed just right for a dog's tail to swat when she wags, releasing a wonderful fragrance. Aromatherapy takes many forms. In the thread basket, the posy might do the same when I rummage for colors.

The bee house is all cozied up. With temperatures below zero at night here, the bees are working hard to maintain a constant 92 degrees Fahrenheit inside. Speaking of cold temperatures, we just watched the Netflix documentary Happy People: A Year in the Taiga. It doesn't feel so cold here after seeing that.

Thanks for visiting and happy weekending. xo


  1. oh that bundle with all the flowers is so beautiful. can't wait to see the results. stay warm.

  2. That bundle is gorgeous and makes me long for spring. So colorful and happy to the eyes. This winter is turning out to be interesting even before it starts! Stay cozy and warm.

  3. Just love visiting here. Always something magical and terribly beautiful. That stove is a work of art. And, is that the bees home warmed in hay bales? Or is it a dog/cat house like my friends in Massachusetts make for their outdoor felines?

  4. always love to see what's going on in your neck of the woods... as to 'all forms of aromatherapy' I've been using two pin cushions that I made -- stuffed with lavender buds. Nice!

  5. All so beautiful! And that stove...oh my!!! Love it!

  6. Yummy looking dye pots there!
    Love the snugly beehive!
    Do the bees come out at all, is that why you have left the front uncovered?

  7. I can't hardly wait to see the flower bundle! And the bees look so cozy! Stay warm........
