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Monday, August 19, 2013

standing still moonday

I've been nesting. I finished the pillow. I knit 2 rows on the purple lady sweater. I made envelopes out of old moon phase calendar cards. I drank some wine, but not these gifts from California wine country because I wanted to take a picture of them before we opened any. I didn't weigh myself in case you're thinking along those lines -- the standing still on the penny scale caught my eye.

Today is a nearly full moonday in the sign of Aquarius. The Aquarius impulse is that of "reformer" -- urging us to make improvements of all types. Other Aquarius qualities, enthusiasm and imagination, help us as we go about making those changes. We operate more from an intellectual standpoint than an emotional one now, too.

I like the idea of making little changes around the house and in the garden. Tweaking. Happy August full moon tomorrow and happy tweaking if you are so inclined!


  1. Tweaking's a great word, that's what I've been doing! And there I was thinking I wasn't focused or accomplishing anything very much...but tweaking..yes!

    Tweak away Peggy.

  2. Hi Nanette, so glad to have a kindred spirit to tweak with! :)

  3. It's so calming--your post and all your projects too--This FULL moon day in Aquarius (my sign) is potent. All around me chaos and strife, many friends in extreme circumstances, and lots of unpleasant events in my life, but somehow, after exhaustion, two hours of Duncan dance, some lovely healing soup I made on a hotplate and a walk in the night's quiet around the old park, settled me. Tomorrow i will tweak and trim the ragged edges over at the church garden (despite the possibility I may soon relinquish my care taking there-see my blog), and, it will be good for me and for all the insects and vegetation.

  4. tweaking time- I like that! It seems so much more manageable than changing. Thanks for this. & love the envelopes!

  5. This whole post's photos are grand! I love those envelopes. And a big Yes! to tweaking :)

  6. I love your pillow. That little touch of red with the stitching is perfect. Your moon phase envelopes are so "happy". What is it about the moon that makes me smile"? Nesting here as well. Actually, catching up on all the tasks that got shoved aside for one reason or another. I know I should be working inside, but temps below 90 are predicted and I haven't seen that since late May. Inside can wait!
