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Monday, August 12, 2013

moonday moon charm

Stone charms -- the carnelian sun charm on the left and a new one on the right. The new charm is made from eco-dyed silk and silk organza circles, then stitched and filled with anchi crystals, with nine knots in the total piece to hold the intention. My intention while making this moon charm was to help increase self-love and self-kindness, a difficult thing for most of us. If you aren't familiar with anchi crystals, you can read about them here. I'm not selling them or anything, just feel drawn to learn more about them because they're new to me.

Aren't the orache seeds gorgeous? Orache, Atriplex hortensis, thrives and reseeds itself every year in my garden. It's mostly left alone even though it's so tall and spindly, around 6', that it flops over and blocks the path to the bees -- simply because of its colors -- red leaves early on that turn to green, then gold, with these rosy/golden seeds in the fall. Plus the edible leaves can be cooked like spinach. Our black & blue salvia, Salvia guaranitica, is stunning, the photo does not do it justice, believe me. But what a name.

I found a long-forgotten unstrained rose hip honey infusion in the cupboard -- pretty happy about finding it because it's delicious -- the rose hip flavor really comes through, both sweet and slightly tart. This is a dessert honey if ever there was such a thing. I no longer have that Eglantine Rosebush and I'm sort of questioning my decision to take it out now.

Today is a waxing moonday in the sign of watery Scorpio. Relationships and emotions rise to the surface now. We also have a strong sense of inner knowing, are more sensitive, and mental acuity sharpens -- perhaps this is a good time to stand up for something or someone you believe in. Scorpio affects the sexual organs and urinary tract -- that means what we do to heal those parts may be more beneficial and whatever stresses those parts may cause an even heavier burden.

To a beautiful week ahead -- listening to our intuition, nurturing ourselves.


  1. Sigh//every bit here interests me...I'll be looking for Orache now, and have, and LOVE b and b Salvia in the church garden. And the Moonday reading is just what I needed to see.
    Thank you again

  2. Been here...will be back, gotta run to work :)

    PS my word was "slosell" in 'slow sell'??!!! Haha

  3. What Oracle deck are you using? I really like it!!

  4. My comments have not been going through lately, but know that I'm imaginging you holding workshops in your garden and kitchen. Strolling down your paths as you teach and share. You know so much goodness.

  5. Wish I too was at a workshop with you in your garden and kitchen! Love the sun charms and studying the ANCHI crystals.

  6. Michelle, I like knowing when things resonate with my friends.

    Nancy, ha! Not selling anything though. ;)

    Carol, it's the Ascended Masters by Doreen Virtue. I like them a lot.

    Cindy, thank you for your kind words. Herbal workshops are something I think about once in a while but haven't taken that step yet.

    Kathy, oh that would be fun, wouldn't it? And thanks.

    Ginger, thank you, too!

  7. have only just 'discovered' your mooncloths, they are delightful; i particularly like this white one with the lace peek-thru

  8. I am in love with the black and blue sage Peggy...I've never seen it before.

    Blessed be. x
