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Friday, June 14, 2013


I tied some cloth strips onto the sweet little pine cone branch thinking it could hang on the bee house. We'll see -- I'll have to try it out after dusk when the bees are in for the night. Yesterday I put on my bee suit to pay them a visit, opening up the top level, removing a layer of insulation, and checking the top frames. They were most gentle with me -- I was appreciative, too, because last time I checked on them they seemed a little aggressive. 

More wild greens went into the freezer this week. The bowl holding nettle leaves is my largest mixing bowl so that gives you an idea of how big the leaves were. Out of all that -- four more cups of summer greens for winter soups. The broccoli is the first cutting from plants that repeatedly froze back, yet persevered. Remember the snowstorm on May Day.

The talisman for the knitted goddess holds items that I feel relate to the root chakra -- a ruby, pomegranate seeds and red rose petals from Nancy. "... the spiritual purpose of the root chakra is deeply locked within the seeds of the provide the ability to tap into deep levels of courage and strength whenever necessary..." (Gurudas) 

Speaking of! -- Nancy, who writes up food for thought (and the soul) over at Pomegranate Trail, tagged me with beautiful treasures -- just a few of them are in the photo below -- thank you again, Nancy. TAG (Together Articulate Gratitude) is a sharing of positive feelings and memories by showing gratitude and there may be gifts involved. Nancy's TAG spreads the love. I know. 

Thanks for visiting here and happy weekending to you. xo


  1. So many fun things going on at your house! Can I come over?

  2. Sara. YES, come play! Teach me how to make socks, please.

  3. a wonderful post full of goodies. my cucumber plants are about 24" tall but not even 1 flower has appeared. i think i planted too late and now the temps are in the 90s every day.
    i learned how to make socks from ...toe-up socks...great instructional videos.

  4. Your garden cloth chimes made me smile. Thanks for posting since I hear fire in Colorado and immediately think of you. TAG is such a wonderful idea and gesture. Enjoy your weekend!

  5. Thanks, Deanna -- hope the cucumbers get going for you -- I haven't even planted mine yet, if you can believe it. Everything's backed up here. I will look over at Craftsy for sock classes, thanks!

  6. Jeannie has left a new comment on your post "food":

    Your garden cloth chimes made me smile. Thanks for posting since I hear fire in Colorado and immediately think of you. TAG is such a wonderful idea and gesture. Enjoy your weekend!

  7. Jeannie, I love that -- garden cloth chimes -- thank you. Yes, it's been pretty stinky, and foggy almost, around here but I heard that the Black Forest area got some rain and there's more expected so hopefully that'll be the end of it. So much damage, the worst ever in Colorado history, I think I heard. Hope all is well your way.

  8. When I saw your title...I right away wanted to add 'for the soul'!! Your photos and happenings are so delicious :)

    My favorite photo today is the first one of the yard rainbow! So pretty.

    I'm glad to see you finding special places for some of the goodies I sent off.
    How appropriate that the rose petal resides with pomegranate seeds!
    Look for some cloth pics on my blog when I ever get to it!
    TAG you're it!
