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Monday, May 20, 2013

kantha straight ahead

I've been choosing thread colors for a forgotten weaving (out-of-sight-out-of-mind) -- not hard to foresee lines and lines of kantha stitch in my future. Bliss. The biennial woad, Isatis tinctoria, is in full bloom, all from four tiny seedlings planted last spring. People said it would do this but I sort of doubted it because things don't grow here like some places. The average annual precipitation in Denver is less than 16" so we almost always have to lower our expectations on plant size and performance. 

I haven't forgotten the red knitted goddess -- she is slowly taking form with wool in her head and upper body. I'm not sure about the dried pomegranate in her bottom half, it does make her look and feel really earthy though. I guess I need a sign.

Today is a waxing moonday in Libra. Moonwise, that means beginning new projects, making progress on current ones -- growth and expansion in general. Zodiac-wise, these next few days are good for creating balance and beauty as well as initiating things, negotiating, and making agreements. In the garden, Libra days are ideal for sowing seeds and planting seedlings... 

...which all makes for a great beginning to the new week. I wish you many Libra wonders. 


  1. love seeing how you've auditioned your threads for the weaving. the seeds you gave me from the honesty plant (lunaria) are popping out of the ground.

  2. Thanks, Deanna -- so glad the lunaria seeds came up, I'm sure that rain you had helped!

  3. Yes, planting seeds...I'll need to check on everything I put out yesterday and make sure the slugs aren't munching them down. I find more and more that kantha type stitching is just as soothing as knitting.

  4. Love the weaving! My guy planted sunflower seeds in a circle around the log that sits where the grapefruit tree used to be. A couple have popped up already! Can't wait to see how it grows :) Happy planting to all.
