my pages

Monday, April 8, 2013

a waning cloth

Today is a waning moonday in Aries. Wane means to decrease gradually so the corresponding moonwork for this time is to be still and allow whatever is to be, to be -- to let go. I made a waning cloth this morning to ritualize my letting go of something. A problem can start out so dark and overpowering sometimes. Then you sort of learn to live with it and after a while, lo and behold, it's only a wisp. And sometimes it even disappears completely.

Another calendar page project using a tea box base. This is the best template I could find because it only needs to be glued in one place. I used a spray adhesive to cover both sides of the tea box base with calendar pages. It will be a nice gift box. 

The best thing about knitting buttonholes is getting to choose buttons. I'm partial to the blue shades with the deep purple yarn but wooden buttons might be nice, too. Which I don't have any of, so that means getting to go button hunting on top of it all. I know I'm only inches into this lady sweater, but it's been nothing but pleasure so far. By the way, this is the first photo I've taken of it that shows the true color.

We're expecting a spring snowstorm tonight and tomorrow. Since we've already had some foretelling hot days, I'm going to savor it wholeheartedly. Maybe even some hot cocoa tonight. 

A good week to you. xx


  1. Hi Peggy, love your little cloth ... and especially with the extra explanation to go with it .... ;-)
    (wise woman !)

  2. What a cool idea you did with the tea box! I am going to have to try that...Thank you!

  3. 'only a wisp'...i love that and what a perfect interpretation in cloth.

  4. Thank you, Els -- it felt good to do it, too.

    Hi mybloomnart, it's nice and sturdy plus cute. ;)

    Deanna, thanks, I'm glad it comes across...

  5. I love your troubles cloth - wishing you more wisps than the alternative. I adore the color of your sweater, truly gorgeous. The calendar box is so pretty. Bundle up! We had heat last week and threats of a hard freeze this week. Ah, spring, layers on me and the flowers. Have a good one!

  6. The wisp of a cloth and the wisdom that goes with it brought tears to my eyes. Ah if we could only wisp stitch our troubles away.
    I like the blues and the idea of wood buttons, but the gold falls flat for me.
    The box...the box ~ you never cease to amaze me!

  7. Your trouble cloth is fabulous, and I agree wholeheartedly with your sentiments!
    I love your calendar covered tea box. I want to make one! I save my old calendars....but didn't know why until I read your blog post!
    And your sweater is lovely! I've just about finished one in almost the same color....and I was shopping for wooden buttons just yesterday!
    Enjoy your cocoa!


  8. I need to make a little cloth like that, to try to remember problems always work out and hopefully disappear.
    Love your little tea gift box and the color of your sweater.

  9. Jeanne, well, there was snow but it wasn't a blizzard. It's been so cold though, 4 degrees this morning! Thanks about the sweater, I'm thinking of yellow buttons now.....

  10. Hi Nancy, so many times "stuff" has turned into a wisp of a memory. If I can just remember that....
    ....about the buttons, I'm thinking of yellow now -- yellow or blue. Gotta at least try a color.

  11. Judy, thanks -- I know, I can't let go of my calendars either, they're too nice. I'd love to see your sweater, I'll come visit you to see if you've posted a photo. Now I'm thinking yellow buttons! Hey, they can be changed pretty easy, maybe I'll get both wooden and some colors!

  12. Kathy, thanks! You know, I think it helps to remind yourself that things don't last forever. Usually. The one thing about the deep purple is I shouldn't knit at night unless I'm under a floodlight. ;)
