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Friday, March 22, 2013

silk-dyed egg sampler

The first days of Spring.....

Last Spring's silk-dyed eggs faded a bit but a once-over with olive oil revived them. They weren't boiled or blown, yet are still intact with no smell. (Correction: They were cooked from the dyeing process.) Some of the eggs find their own perfect resting positions, depending on the placement and weight of the yolk inside, which is sort of funny. I've read that eventually the yolk will dry out leaving each one as light as a blown egg. I'm thinking about a little sampler of some sort using the leftover silks -- just playing around with it at this point though.

A purple February lady sweater inspired by Elizabeth Zimmerman's February baby sweater is my next big (for me) knitting project. I'm swatching the Rowan linen/cotton now but there's no rush -- because along with hundreds of lady sweaters on Ravelry and the internet are dozens of tips on making and measuring the sweater and I want to read them all. I think it should be called the i-hope sweater because every time I think about it, I find myself saying I hope it fits, I hope I make the right size, I hope the yarn isn't difficult, I hope.....over and over.

The little felteds are sweet reminders of a time with friends needle-poking wool and fingers. And there's the broccoli protected with chicken wire from dog and rabbit but no chicken.

Thanks for coming by. And Happy Spring-time/Autumn-time! xx


  1. Once again--a place of peace-whimsy=wisdom-good humor-good tips and a whole lot of just plain pretty! I'm exhaling gratitude.

  2. love the eggs. when you say they weren't boiled or blown...were they wrapped with the silk and dropped in a dye bath? i was talking to someone about the eggs drying up eventually but couldn't find any info on that.

  3. Your silk dyed eggs are gorgeous! I know that Ukranian decorated eggs are not blown. I have a couple and they have dried to "feather" weight. I have also found bird eggs in the yard (quail, sparrow) and have let them dry naturally. Your felted friends in the nest are adorable. I have yet to try creatures. I guess I fear ramming the felting needle into my hand. :) You are so brave to tackle a sweater. I am still on the scarf/hat/mittens level, but love to look at the sweater patterns. Have a beautiful weekend!

  4. Michelle said it well! And that little bee...I can hear the buzz now!

  5. I love your silk dyed eggs...
    much love to

  6. Thanks, everyone. xo

    Deanna, if you click on the link about the eggs, there are photos there that show how they were wrapped up, etc.

    Jeannie, I haven't done any needle felting since that day. I figured I'd quit while I was ahead. ;)

  7. love your little bird and bee, maybe I'll give it a go for the easter baskets this week. I have the same hopes at the start of every sweater, they get louder as the end nears. good luck to you and yours!
