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Monday, March 4, 2013

enchanted by the unexpected houseplant

A book has enchanted me. It was a library book and after I read a few pages, I closed it. I could go no further with the library's copy, I had to have it, it had to be my own. So I called the bookstore, reserved a copy, and picked it up a few days ago. There have been other books about houseplants, I know, but this one is special. A kind of plant obsession has taken over me now. I'm closing my eyes and wishing for a greenhouse about ten times a day.
The gaptastic cowl scarf is finished. It may be the first thing I've made for myself that I truly like. It's very long and that's how I'll wear it, rather than wrapped around the neck over and over. (Like the bottom pose on the pattern.)
When I bought the 1941 classic bird book, I didn't notice the bird stamps in it. They are so cool.

Today is a waning half moonday in Sagittarius. Waning moon energy helps us to bring things to completion rather than begin new projects. It is when to sit back and plan. And organize and enjoy our treasures.
A beautiful week to all. xx


  1. one image is more gorgeous than the next. is that the seed stitch you did on the cowl? and i love your bowl of miscellany.

  2. Thank you, Deanna! Yes, it's the seed stitch, sort of looks like crochet though, doesn't it?

  3. it is a fine book!

    wishing you a beautiful week too.

    49480 ncnsuc

  4. When I visit here, it's beauty and sanity I'm seeking, and I'm never disappointed. What a treat for the eyes this post is.

  5. I whole-heartedly agree with Deanna and Michelle!!
    Your photos...dang girl are you a professional lifestyle photographer and never told us??!! I could see a 'coffee table' book of your images. It makes me want to send you my treasures so they could live in & be photographed in your world! And the woman in the jar her! :)
    Now I am happily, calmly feeling pleasant to bed.
    Thanks Peggy!

  6. I'll have to find a copy of that book. I have to confess that for many years I was a regular reader of Victoria magazine and Tovah Martin was always one of my favorite contributors.

  7. this post-your spirit coming through- lightens the heart. I've ordered it up from the library....

  8. Wild Magnolia, it just drew me in. Like magic.

  9. Michelle, thanks so much. :)

    Nancy -- just playing around with the camera, and a very old one at that -- my first (and only) digital. I thank you for your encouraging words!

    Deb, I didn't know that, or if I did, I'd forgotten -- I knew she'd done one or more of the Tasha Tudor books. You will like this one then, for sure.

    Cindy, thank you so much and I hope you like the book, too.

  10. I you just love it when a book gets me like that... much love to
