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Friday, February 15, 2013

paisaje cloth

We had to get a new computer and my issues with change have come into play, big time. Everything is different and intimidating, but the worst part is choosing options -- half the time, I don't know what possibly-terrible thing I'm agreeing to!
The orchid is in full bloom, its last bud opened a few days ago. Our house plants have gotten more and more babying as winter unfolds. It's tempting to think Spring is coming soon, but March is actually our snowiest month.
The wall hanging is going up in my sewing room, I didn't make it, but I wish I had. The word paisaje is stitched on the top, meaning landscape or scenery. Its intricacies are charming and a person could study them for some time -- there are flowers being gathered, apples being picked, ducks swimming with a guy nearly in the water with them, a man playing a flute, a woman carrying her spindle and yarn, y mucho mas. We have the binoculars at the quick and ready in case the coyote across the street yesterday morning comes back. It was the strangest but coolest thing that the coyote seemed to be accompanied by a magpie.
The bottom of a cotton top that's a little too tight across a certain area is being expanded with side slits. The girls were both sleeping on their sewing room beds, Talula (age 3) is the rusty one and Daisy (age 9) is the black. I think Talula was running in her sleep right before I took the photo.
A long-lost red and white cloth was found on the bottom of a pile of fabric. One of my first weavings in a class at Spirit Cloth a few years ago, I straightened and re-pinned it this morning. Now I'm looking forward to working on it this weekend while listening to NPR -- Prairie Home Companion, This American Life, Radio Lab, and heck even Car Talk. Stitching while listening to NPR is one of my favorite things to do and the girls enjoy it too, they love to "go sew."
Thanks for visiting and happy weekending. xxx


  1. gorgeous orchid and love that wall hanging. great 3D elements. enjoy your weekend.

  2. Thanks, Deanna. I keep thinking it would be neat to make one for where I live....something to think about....

  3. do you know Sally Mavor's work. your wall hanging reminded me of her work:

  4. I was just going to suggest Sally's work, too. I love the story being told. Your orchid is gorgeous. I brought one that Mom had received home. Crossing my fingers I don't kill it. :) I too love listening to NPR as I stitch. Wait Wait Don't Tell Me always makes me laught out loud. Wishing you and the girls a wonderful weekend. (I too am itching to get out in the garden, but I know snow can still arrive. Patience!)

  5. Orchids are a favorite of mine. I lived on the beach for a year. My plants flourished out on the screen porch. I had sever orchids and they love the salt air.

    New computers take a bit of time to understand. I changed two years ago. A completely different set up. You will master it. Go at it again and again....walk away for awhile.

    The quilt is stunning. Story quilts are awesome.

  6. Have a lovely weekend.
    I love your orchid, a Phalaenopsis I believe? My papa grows orchids. I love them.
    I also love your wall hanging... how beautiful is that! xxx

  7. The orchid...and the photo of it it, gorgeous! I saw that running in dreams pose too :) I would love to see your landscape in cloth like this!
    I am a NPR fan as well. I listen in the car commuting every day. New computers...ugh. I've been trying to learn the system at work and it's soooo confusing!

  8. I bought one of those orchids last november and its still in bloom!
    They are such good value and so beautiful.
    I adore that hanging! Where did you get it from then? It would be a perfect childrens illustration lol
    A great idea to maked one up of your own family garden !!
    Dogs lolling, bees buzzing ooooooh yes!

  9. Lovely Thai orchid. How did you get it to flower in winter? Such a playful piece of cloth. I went back to have a look after reading your description. Hope you enjoying Instagram - Hugs Nat

  10. Magpie and coyote: both are scavengers. . . Perhaps they could play on your own stitched paisaje one day.

  11. Thanks, Deanna, for that link. I knew the name and that she worked with felt but didn't know about her blog. Wow!

    Jeannie, I've failed with my prior two attempts at having orchids so we'll see. ;) I stitched today and listened to NPR, puts me in an alpha state, I think! I wonder if we both stitched and listened at the same time?!

    Wild Magnolia, I can imagine your beach house porch with orchids, a lovely image. Thanks for the encouragement w/the computer's maddening is what it is. ;)

  12. Hi Trish, I have no idea what kind of orchid it is, just happy it's doing okay. Thanks, hope you had a nice weekend too!

    Thank you, Nancy -- the color makes the photo. I'm only toying with the idea of my own landscape cloth and it would be much simpler than this one, I'm sure -- we'll see...

    Lyn, yes, the orchid was very reasonable in cost here, too -- yours has been blooming a long time, all right, I hope this lasts that long! I bought the wall hanging about ten years ago at a rummage sale. I didn't realize how wonderful it was until now. With age comes (a little) wisdom! ha.

  13. Nat, I bought it with one bloom and several buds -- believe me, I am not an orchid expert by any stretch of the imagination!! I am liking Instagram, am trying to remember to carry my phone with me more often now. I love seeing your photos!

    Chris!!! Oh, I love that you wrote that about the coyote and magpie -- yes and yes -- on my own stitched paisaje! Thank you.
