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Monday, February 25, 2013

nice moonday

Today is the full moon so I gathered a few things together for a February moon cloth. There's not really any plan yet, just some colors and textures that seemed right. I like to sink my hands into a big mess of soft cloth, don't you? It would be interesting to choose by feel only, with eyes closed. I might try that sometime. I'm studying the Ikea catalog to create better storage in my sewing room but for now, all the colorful strips and little bits are in an old dresser drawer on the floor and all the light bits are in a wire basket.
One of our amaryllis bulbs shot up 28" overnight (it seemed like!) and began to bloom. It's on the kitchen table by the window and we ooh and aah over it like it's a new puppy. I've started my annual houseplant grooming sessions, thus the hoya trimmings rooting in water. All the plants will get a trimming, some fresh planting mix with a few nuggets of dry dog food buried in there (for nutrients), and a nice shower in the sink.
I continue to kantha stitch the red and white woven intended to be a pillow cover -- with a natural linen backing, I think, but one trip to a fabric or thrift store could change those plans.

Today is a full moonday in the sign of Virgo. A full-moon time is an opportunity to acknowledge and celebrate things in our lives. And we don't need to have big accomplishments or major events to do this -- we can simply remember something that gives us a sense of satisfaction and contentment -- or maybe just notice something nice. Inside or outside of ourselves.

To a nice week for all of us. xo


  1. My own amarylis is in flower too....way higher then my orchid!
    Dog biscuits? Who new!!!! Must try that.......when Max isnt looking lol

  2. that amaryllis is gorgeous and i love your kitchen curtains. what's happening with your bee hives?

  3. The close up of the amaryllis against the curtains is so beautiful and dramatic!
    I like a drawer full of scraps to rummage must feel great :) To choose by feel me thinking!
    Dog food, eh?!! You are a wealth of information!
    I'm going trough old photos...but I'm already one month behind on the moon cloth in my head! Ugh.
    PS Don't eat any Ikea meatballs!

    Take care

  4. Amaryllis are divine! Great pictures. I love moonday.

  5. Happy moon day Peggy. Just lovely reading your writing. Celebrate little things that satisfy you. Yes little is enough to make us happy! Love your red cloth, enjoy - Hugs Nat

  6. Lyn -- yes, don't let the dog see you do it!!! ;)

    Deanna, thank you -- the bees seem to be okay. When the temps get in the 40's they come out to take their cleansing flights and also clean house by pushing out the dead bodies. I had 1 or 2 get into my hair a few weeks ago when I was watching them (maybe too closely) and ran like crazy into the house. The problem was I could still hear the buzzing so I ran back outside where they finally freed themselves. They didn't sting me. I need to wear a hat from now on!

  7. Hi Nancy and thank you. Oh boy, ikea's meatballs? Darn it! Thanks for the heads-up though! And I hope you're feeling better.

    Wild Magnolia, thank you! :)

    Hi Nat, thanks so much. Celebrating the small stuff makes it all so much easier, I think....and happy moonday!

  8. i just adore that emerging pillow cover! i've done so little stitching of late and it has inspired my fingers to a little needle chanting of their own. thank you!

  9. I also love the amaryllis against the curtains - dramatic! I treat myself every year to a new bulb. Yet, I get more excited when one of the older bulbs bloom. My personal challenge to see if I can get them to rebloom. Does your hoya bloom? I have had one for years and not a blossom. Dog treats! I wonder if cat treats will work? Wishing you a beautiful moon day. Off to enjoy simple pleasures. :)

  10. It is so much fun to gather up "bits and bobbits" of fabric and thread and create something! Love the flower and the curtain!
    What lovely stitching on the Kantha cloth.
    I have little seedlings going in my house. Lemon, date, grapfruit! Have a wonderful week xo :)

  11. Peggy looking forward to seeing you next full moon block. Your fabric choices look very inspriational, love the calender page in it.
    Kantha cloth is beautiful, very soft with wonderful stitches.
    Back to your monthly calendar (I was out of town when you posted)you old calender paper was a wonderful to use. How clever!

  12. Your amaryllis is amazing Peggy... like
