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Monday, November 12, 2012

moonday rolls

Two silk eco-dyed bundles -- one rolled, one unrolled. I'm so curious about that eucalyptus bundle because I've never used eucalyptus before, but I'm giving it a little more time. The unrolled silk is from a mix of red leaves -- it has swaths of mauve/purple that I really like, if the color holds it'll be a nice component for something. No mordants were used on either of these and both were steamed. I've decided to finally start recording the results of my eco-dyeing, maybe with a little swatch stapled to the page even.

Last week I went to Goodwill looking for silk or wool clothing to cut up for dyeing and found a pair of white wool slacks lined with white cotton. I took the scissors to them in short order. A stack of wool and a stack of cotton are now ready to roll. I just wish the slacks would've been a larger size! 

Today is a dark moonday in the sign of watery Scorpio. This is a highly psychic time when curiosity, insight and intuition run strong -- and when desire, sensitivity, and emotions are intensified. Scorpio is no shrinking violet.

Scorpio rules the reproductive organs and pelvic region. Our increased sensitivity may make problems in these and other areas feel harder to deal with. At the same time we are also more receptive and healing treatments may be more effective. 

I think using our intuition is a very good way to start the week.


  1. I love the trail of ridges and indents up the center of that cloth! I could always mail you some eucalyptus leaves...this area is full of them!

  2. So surreal looking bundle. Lovely and clean ready to absolve all that eucalyptus goodness. The pre-loved cloths are in readiness for the dye pot. Where did you get euc. leaves from? Hugs Nat

  3. I love these bundles/wraps... they look so natural and organic. Love the result of the red leaves. Glad to hear that you are recording your results.
    The slacks sound wonderful, I know what you mean, when I find clothing I love the item is either too small or too big!!
    Much love to you.

  4. Nancy, thanks for the nice offer but I've come to realize that most of the bouquets from the florist have fresh eucalyptus in them. I just need to treat myself with flowers now & then! You've given me an idea though, the next time a family member goes to CA, they could collect some for me. :)

  5. Nat, thank you -- the eucalyptus is from a bouquet of flowers from Whole Foods. That means it's also organic!

  6. Thanks, Trish, up till now, my results have been recorded here on my blog!

    I would've loved these white wool slacks to have been humongous so I could harvest more cloth! ;)
