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Wednesday, August 1, 2012

(first) august full moon art

Learning to crochet is a desire fulfilled so my girl is drawing down the moon with her magic hook wand.

The full moon beckons us to recognize and name what has ripened in our lives -- accomplishments, gifts, blessings. For me, making full moon art is a way to ritualize fulfillment.                                                                                                          
Today is the first full moon in the month of August, the second "blue moon" is on August 31 -- not every calendar year has a blue moon. All kinds of imagery swirls around for making full blue moon art but I think bigger than I can do sometimes. As anyone can tell, I'm not a painter -- my little full moon art paintings are done on a 2.5" itty-bitty canvas and are primitive, at best, but boy do I love doing them. 

If you feel stirred to ritualize the full moon by making art over the next few days, please share your link in the comments or email me a photo or file. I'll post links at the bottom of this post and emailed photos and files will be posted on the drawing down the moon page over on the sidebar. 

full moon links:

(* See Kathy's full moon post and her lovely hand-stitched green corn moon cloth here!

(* As I was visiting Suzanna, I saw this most wonderful delicious apple moon photo.

(* Seeing Nancy's beautiful full moon photos against the dark night sky made me wish I was there on the balcony with her. :)

(* Nanette has a new puppy and you can see her Mirrhi moon cloth here -- and I have to add, the likeness is remarkable.


  1. love your girl! Reminds me of back when I was posting full moon things- animation in a similar style. Tonight the sky is overcast here so I won't see the moon, but did see it briefly almost full last night.

  2. I love your girl with the crochet hook. It is as though she is trying to harness the power of the moon. I think an indigo vat would be appropriate for the 2nd full moon! Hope your week is full of joy!

  3. I love your moon painting...primitive is Very Good! Full of feeling...

  4. I had this dream last night and a woman came to my screen window and wanted to know how I knew how to "draw down the moon"...???
    I have only recently heard of this phrase..I have to learn more about this : )
    Love your crochet full moon woman <3

  5. Peggy~
    I, for one, am glad you continue to full moon paint because I enjoy viewing them (maybe as much as you enjoy painting them!)

  6. I think your painting is wonderful, it tells your story under this moon. I especially love your hair.
    I also have too many ideas for the blue moon, like Jeannie it includes my indigo vat and wool. In addition, this moon signaled the Native American's it was time to harvest. So we have the harvest moon also. Oh, so many ideas.

  7. i'd like to think you have a wall with all of your moon paintings together, the collection growing each month. & i'd like to think that someday you will take a photo of this wall & share it with us.

  8. i love your girl.
    i love that you crochet.
    i love your sharing.

    thank you.

  9. Michelle, yes! I remember when you posted that, I loved it.

  10. Jeanne, oh what a great idea an indigo vat is! I wish I had one going and I wish you'd start a blog so we could all see your dyeing which is gorgeous, I know from first hand experience. :) Maybe I can get on the stick and start me some indigo.....

  11. Suzanna, thank you, that means a lot because I sense the feeling in your pieces, too.

  12. Marie, that is the most awesome dream to have on a full-moon eve! Wow. A message from your guiding planet. --Drawing down the moon, for me, is simply invoking and directing moon energy.

  13. Thank you, Nancy, that's so nice.

  14. Kathy, thank you. And oh do I hear you! Maybe we should just give in to the urge totally and do blue moon stuff for the next 3 weeks. :) I might do that actually......

  15. Cindy, well I'd like to think that you are thinking what I'm thinking! :)

  16. Hi Wild Magnolia, I thank you for your sweet kind words.

  17. Thank you Peggy! I knew you would know something about my dream. : )

  18. Peggy I love your woman with her hook at the ready, getting ready to work with the moonbeams maybe? Full moon art is now on my blog.

  19. “The full moon beckons us to recognize and name what has ripened in our lives -- accomplishments, gifts, blessings. For me, making full moon art is a way to ritualize fulfilment.” – beautiful, and so true. Thank you for sharing this with us. I think you’ve just inspired me to make my own full moon art as well.#Art Consultancy
