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Thursday, July 26, 2012

one, two, three

Something new at our house. One, two, three. I want to skip down and back, over and over.  


  1. Beautiful! I love brickwork. It just calls out for a game of hop scotch! Does thyme grow well there? It would be beautiful along the edges of the brick. Hope you are having a lovely week.

  2. a beautiful transformation. i have lots of chips and cracks in my walkway and was thinking of something creative to fill them with that would not be too expensive. i would love to have a walkway as beautiful as yours.

  3. Jeannie, thanks and yes, thyme does very well here and that's a good idea for the sunny areas along the walkway. I'll put lavender back into the circle planter -- it's living temporarily in the blue baby pool in the top photo!

  4. Hi Deanna -- thanks -- maybe you could put thyme in your cracks? This area of our front yard had sunk so much that we were worried people might trip on the concrete so we had to have it demolished, re-leveled, and rebuilt. I'd have rather spent the $$ inside the house though!

  5. Please have a skip for me! Follow the Red Brick Road!! Tra La La...
    It looks great. Love the dark, rich soil (bottom pic, right side)

  6. awesome lovely walk way, the grass is lush. you must be having rain.

  7. Lovely transformation...a magical pathway : )

  8. great! bricks made a beautiful walk way.

  9. Hey Nancy, I love that, the red brick road. :)

  10. Thanks, Wild Magnolia. Oh I wish, it sputters and blows and makes a bunch of noise and then ..... nothing. I'm hose-dragging.

  11. Marie, yes, that is exactly the right word -- transformation. Thank you.

  12. Thanks, Joan -- we're loving it.

  13. I love it! Such a welcoming walk.

  14. Thanks, Jo! Have to replant the lavender circle this weekend...

  15. will you be painting it yellow though? lol a brick road quite fine enuf I think!
    Nice puffs too lol

  16. beautiful! i'm jealous! a path that wanders toward a home is sooooo much more inviting that a straight shot.
