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Friday, July 20, 2012


It's time to learn something new. I was once told that when a person feels like she can't take on another thing, to take on another thing. It was something to do with growth, one of those paradoxes. 

For someone who doesn't know how to crochet, there are a lot of crochet hooks around here. I can do the chain stitch okay, so I hooked a bit with different hooks and yarns to see which feels best. I like that word, hook.

Blue feels good even though it's the lightest weight yarn, I hope that doesn't make it harder to learn with. Does anyone have any YouTube recommendations? I don't think I learn this kind of thing very well out of books.

Thanks for visiting here and happy weekending. xo


  1. oh so happy you are learning to crochet. you will love it. go to google and type in "learn to crochet" and then click on videos. there are loads of good videos there. you might also like following this blog. she does lots of bright, happy crocheting:

  2. Thanks, Deanna -- hey, you just did a cross-over too with learning how to knit! Thanks for the suggestion and the link -- I need me some bright & happy

  3. you're welcome and feel free to ask any questions you might have. i've been knitting and crocheting since i was 6 years old...just never knitted using circular needles...but i have just learned how.

  4. Deanna, well that explains why you're knitting a cable-stitch hat -- I thought you were a knitting prodigy to be doing that already! :)

  5. You are off to a great start. I second Deanna's advice. It's good to be able to both crochet and knit. Sometimes one is better suited to a project than the other.

  6. I usually I don't learn very well from books either but I love my Happy Hooker book by the stitch and bitch ladies. When I find patterns or ideas online that I can't figure out from the video or pictures that is my go to book and it works every time!

  7. Hi,
    It is actually better to start with larger needle and larger yarn so you can see the chains openings.
    I have to work on my tension, I pull to tight.
    Good luck in this adventure.

  8. I have tried knitting, but found crochet to be very meditative and I can kinda get to make up my own stitches with crochet. I like that! : )
    I love the look of knitting, but I felt so clutsy! lol!
    Will try it again someday : )
    Bravo to you for learning something new. <3

  9. i like your rainbow testing! when i want to learn new things, i check kids books out of the library- good simple pictures & not a lot of words. here's a couple i've looked at- Kids Crochet by k. Ronci, and Kids Learn to Crochet by L. Guy (she has really cute ideas, also for knitting). Good luck!

  10. Peggy~ I love your colorful starts. Everyone has such good suggestions, I'm thinking I should give it a try! I have my mom's hooks AND needles :)

  11. You will love it. For me it was much easier than knitting.
    Look forward to seeing what you create.
