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Tuesday, July 3, 2012

full moonset art

I painted while thinking of my dad today -- a full moonset on a wheat field horizon. Where night and day meet -- moonset, sunrise -- endings, beginnings. So many delicate yet unyielding patterns we traverse whether we see them or not.

And I'd love you to share your full moon art here -- your stitching, painting, drawing, photos, writing, or whatever expression is yours. Leave a link in the comments or email me a photo if you don't have a blog and I'll post it on the drawing down the moon page.

Moon sightings . . .

Visit here to see Joan's sailing full mooncloth.

And Nancy's peeping-moon is here.

Els just finished stitching mandala, a gift cloth.

Ms. tells us here about the Hindu and Buddhist tradition of devotion to spiritual teachers on this full moon . . . and more.


  1. Happy full moon Peggy. That moon cloth is growing fine !!!!
    The "in-a-hurry" cloth I made last week also had a (small) full moon in it ;-)

  2. Thank you, Els -- yes, it continues to continue! Coming to see yours now!

  3. Peggy~ Thanks for the link. I really enjoy your moon posts :)

  4. Lovely little painting so full of meaning, and perfectly balanced.

  5. I just found you wonderful blog, I too love following and recording the moon and other celestrial happenings with fabric. I'm a quilter and have been working on my "earth journal quilt" for a couple of years with the full moon blocks beginning last Jan. Just posted my July moon last week. Of course I had to make a summer soltice block for the quilt also.!

  6. Kathy, thanks for coming by. And I hope we connect on the next full moon.
