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Wednesday, June 13, 2012

a sedum planter

Every summer a big clay strawberry pot is planted with moss rose, Portulaca spp., a succulent that does well in hot, dry conditions. It's not blooming much yet or I'd take a photo of it. What this is really about is this planter made from an old wooden pop bottle crate my husband gave me. The idea is to grow a variety of sedums, Sedum spp., another tough succulent of which there are over 400 species.

There are gaps between the bottom slats of the crate where the soil could fall out so I starting tearing wire screening into strips to line the rows. I actually never knew wire screening could be torn but it can be. Wrapping each plant in sphagnom moss might work too but I'm out of it.

Then I remembered all the cloth strips in baskets in the house -- and I liked using the cloth strips way better even though they may not last as long as wire screening. I sort of like the ends hanging over the edge because how else would you know?

And I'll be needing quite a bit more sedum.


  1. Great idea! Wish I could share some of my little rock-garden dwellers with you.

  2. oh that will be so beautiful. yes...i need to go and buy some portulaca. it's one of the few plants that really thrives in the texas heat.

  3. I too wish we lived closer (for a whole lot of reasons!), I have been pulling sedums out like weeds, a tiny leaf can become a plant over a summer. I have an old Coke crate in the garage! It will be gorgeous before you know it. Thanks for the idea.

  4. What a great idea and am sure the crate will look superb!

  5. What a great idea... I love succulents.
    At the weekend i bought a lovely Houseleek and potted it into a little teracotta pot. It looks lovely! It made me want to buy more!xxx

  6. What a delightful idea! I like the fabric peeking out too :)

  7. Thanks everyone -- I wish we could share plants like we all do other things -- ideas, projects, our surroundings and so much more. Love to all.
