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Monday, May 21, 2012

scattered moonday

Like spring blossoms, little pieces of me seem to be flying off in all directions, scattering.  Whenever I feel like this, the only way to collect the pieces is to go outside and ground myself. So I did.

I caught my first rose bloom of the year (a Gertrude Jekyl) right before she was about to let go of her petals. I mostly pick roses when they're nearly spent rather than in their prime. That way we get to enjoy them longer and their condition doesn't really matter if they're just going to be dried anyway. Dried, fragrant rose petals are a luxury pantry item because you can make tea, syrup, oil, infusion, honey, recipes, potpourri, and a hundred other things out of them. I'm just starting to think about what to make this year. 

A little stitching. I don't know exactly how yet, but it's looking like the embroidered ticking is headed for the velvet long heart cloth

The goggles we wore to watch the annular eclipse. I don't think they were strong enough so I tried to only look for a second at a time.  

Today is a waxing moonday in Gemini. We've just had ourselves a banner sunday with the sun entering Gemini, then a new moon in Gemini followed by the annular eclipse minutes later. This is so much that I'm not even going to try to analyze or consciously process it all. What I do know is that new moon energy helps us to name and grow our intentions while eclipses seem to create bursts of energy and the two combined create a lot of potential. How we utilize it is up to us.

Airy, bright Gemini days are delightful -- anything goes now, one thing leads to another, branching out far from our original intent. Chatty Gemini days are great for meeting with friends or attending social events, my favorite Gemini activities. I think every lunar sign has qualities that can enhance our lives -- there again, it's up to us to realize them. Focus can be difficult though and we also have to be careful not to overdo it. Usually we think of overdoing it on physical terms, but we all know it's possible to overdo it mentally and emotionally, too.

Gemini affects the shoulders, arms and hands. When life gives us problems -- and it's pretty hard to live a life without problems -- we may literally carry them on our shoulders. And then we have shoulder aches and pains. This is a good time to become more clear about how this comes about and what we can do to reshape the outcome.

Even though we have a new moon, Gemini isn't really the best sign for planting in the garden if we can help it. Try to hold off until the moon enters Cancer on Wednesday, the most fruitful sign of all. Maybe pick roses today instead!


  1. gorgeous heart stitching. i bet you can dye cloth with those rose petals as well and paper.

    1. Deanna, thanks and now I'm wondering -- I've dyed with rose leaves but not the petals -- have you? Oh, now I wish I had some red roses but all mine are pink.

    2. glad i came back here. i have never used the petals but check india flint's recent post:

  2. Lovely post, full of lots of goodness. Really like your stitching.

    1. Thanks, Nanette -- it would be so great to get this long cloth finished. I've finished so few projects the past few years, I forgotten what they were!

  3. Thank you for the moon tips is always helpful. Is there a trick to preserving rose petals so they last longer?? Mine seem to lose their fragrance soon...

    1. Hi Suzanna, thanks so much! Well, I guess my best tips would be to first dry them in a dark room for best color and then put them in an airtight container asap for best fragrance. Mine lose their fragrance pretty fast, too, when left out in potpourri.

  4. Peggy~ Love the heart piece. Know what ya mean about things started and not finished!

  5. Picking roses sounds good to me, very grounding... your rose is beautiful, as is your stitching.
    I love rose tea!
    Sending you love.

    1. Trish, thank you. Can't wait to make some rose recipes -- last summer's rose milkshakes sound pretty good right now, I've got a sweet craving tonight! Love back.
