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Monday, May 7, 2012

green water full moonday

They took my sketches! oh no they didn't! On my return from an herbal conference in Texas, TSA searched my luggage -- oh yes they did! -- and took a small stack of simple sketches of the Austin skyline as seen from my hotel window. oh no they didn't! I knew they'd gone through the bag immediately because it wasn't repacked the same way -- and then I found a notice of baggage inspection. I sure want those sketches back. I have them! see below. I'd also written some things, I wish I could remember what I all wrote so I'd know if they're going to take me away. But I guess they would've done that by now. And I hope I don't get in trouble for even writing about it. now disregard this paragraph.

green water moon is my take of the Austin sky scape over the green waters of the Colorado River. I was so lucky to have this great view of beautiful Austin. Later that night there was a cracking thunder storm, spectacular from the 14th floor. 

Today is a waning moonday in the sign of Sagittarius. Under Sagittarius, we tell it like it is by speaking honestly and directly. The waning moon prods us to let go of things. The two influences together help us to get things off our chest and to release that which burdens mind and soul. We also have a sense of well-being making us more generous in various ways, but mostly with our thoughts and opinions!

Sagittarius rules the lower back and thighs and sciatica may be aggravated now. I've been feeling discomfort in that exact area and attributed it to sitting so long in one position the past few days. Now I realize this, too, shall pass.

Just some of the memorabilia and reading material lugged back -- will keep me busy for a while -- all in all, I am so glad I went. I saw this little full moon magnet at the airport and had to have it. If you've made full moon art, please share by leaving a link in the comments or send me an email for the drawing down the moon page on the sidebar. I'd love to see what full moon vibes were cast on you! xo

Edit: Don't you hate it when you're publicly wrong about something? Well, I found the sketches inside a book inside a bag inside a tote bag. So TSA didn't snatch my sketches after all. My faith in the system has been renewed and I hope I didn't lessen yours there for a minute. xo


  1. i wondered about you saturday night/sunday morning with that rain storm. did you get to see anything of austin? can't imagine why they would take your sketches. it was a big weekend here with the pecan street festival and some places celebrating the kentucky derby. i stayed in my nice, quiet home.

    1. Deanna, what a great city you live in, I loved Austin. That storm actually woke me up and I thought it was a party in the hotel somewhere! I stood at the window and just watched -- it went on for a long time, didn't it? I stayed mainly in the walkable area around the hotel (right on the river) except a couple of day trips to a fiber ranch in the Wimberly area, a grape/olive vineyard, bonsai exhibit, herb gardens, etc. Just amazing. I do wish I would've had more down time. I thought about you, too.

  2. I also thought of you as I gazed upon the moon this weekend. It was beautiful with a little pink cast. Your sketches! I cannot imagine why they would take them. So very sad. Your weekend sounds like it was wonderful. xo

    1. Hi Jeannie, that makes me feel good :-))

      Well, the sketches turned up and I made a red-faced correction up there. And I did have such a great time!

  3. Hi Peggy,

    Unbelievable that they took your sketches! Artist beware you are not allowed to draw pictures and take them home!
    Anyway, Austin is my old home. All my children were born there and I am a Texan! lol! Loved the city. You can find anything you want there and the food and art...fabulous!
    The only yuck stuff is the heat, snakes, scorpions and fire ants. Other then is a great place.

    1. Marie, I found them. Made a red-faced correction up there in the post. ;-)

      I bet you miss Austin! They say, once a Texan, always a Texan, right? You're right, my impression was that there's something there for everyone. I saw a few fire ants but no snakes. That storm was so great, too -- I love thunderstorms.

  4. p.s. The thunderstorms and lightening are "wicked" in Texas.
    They are BIG just like Texas. : )

  5. My goodness, is that allowed? Can they just take things? Sorry you lost your sketches. I would love to know more about your conference! And Happy Moonday!

    1. Aja, found the sketches -- made the correction up in the post. Red-faced here.

      It was an educational conference sponsored by the Herb Society of America -- great speakers, informative, energizing, all good stuff. I come from a more traditional herbal background so it was quite different from my barefooted, weed-eating, wild-crafting groups. Although, there was a little weed-eating at this, too. Times, they are a'changing!

    2. Fascinating! Sounds like a great conference. Weed eating is never far from us herbalists is it? :) Oh and I am so glad you found your sketches!! Better red faces and with sketches then without!

  6. I carry my bag on whenever possible because of this. I seemed to have gotten picked for bag inspection quite frequently in the past (like every time). I packed a mini-blender last time I checked a bag. I wrapped the blade up very carefully so it wouldn't cause any damage and stuck it inside the cup. They tossed it back in unprotected and it ripped a hole through the suitcase. It was made even worse by the fact that I had borrowed the suitcase.

    I've come to hate flying because of the security. When I flew home last month I chose the pat down and it's really kind of a hassle. It was the only way to avoid those x-ray machines.

    1. Kathy! You had quite the experience with TSA -- lots of people seem to be traveling without checking baggage -- looks like the way to go. I think I went through an x-ray machine without even realizing it. I'll choose the pat-down next time, too!

  7. oh, i so appreciate hearing about someone else getting riled up about something that ended up being fine (thank goodness- your beautiful paintings!). just consider it practice for another day when you will be justified! i did have a horrible airport experience involving security w/a 2 & 6 yr. old, not enough arms & them taking out my dirty clothes piece by piece to investigate the bag of play dough at the bottom.

    1. Cindy, you made me laugh out loud -- practice for another day! Isn't that the way it is? ;-)

      Oh boy, that sounds like a lot of fun!!! at the airport, hope you got some good photos out of the deal at least! xo
