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Wednesday, April 11, 2012

pompoms, etc.

When it snowed last week, I brought in a bouquet of apple blossoms. Their fragrance was so heavenly, I don't know why I don't do that all the time, even when it doesn't snow. I saw in the photo that my next pillow project was in the background draped on the sofa. It's time to replace that Currier & Ives snow scene pillow cover with something new.

This project needs trim. The green cotton pompom is vintage taken off an old tree skirt and the white fringe is from an old bedspread -- I have a huge bag of it, I think it was a queen-sized bedspread. Does anyone have any ideas for re-using this kind of longish fringe?

Red pompoms win. So does some calendar cloth.


  1. such beautiful blossoms. i love adding fringe here and there in my quilt little surprises.

    1. Deanna, thanks -- I like your use of a little bit of fringe at a time. I have never done that before and I'm wondering why not? ;-)

  2. Those blossoms are divine! The red pompoms are a beautiful colour but I love the design of the green trim, very stylish.

    1. Thanks, Robyn! Yes, the green is definitely special and it feels quite different, too. It's very joyful.

  3. Delish blossoms.....can almost imagine the scent too!
    Well the white fringe might dye, space dyed it would look quite different.
    And it would also look different if you cut it back abit?
    Or you could make yourself- or the grankids lol - a fringed ra ra skirt to dress up in!

    1. Hi Lyn, thanks for the good ideas -- I'll have to start cutting a little strip off every time I make a dye-pot, that will be a great experiment! And cut, too. Now why don't I think of these things? ;-)

  4. Love the blossoms! I like the little calendar birth month!
    OoooH...Liniecat...dying the the white fringe...good idea!

    1. Thanks, Nancy -- I've a weakness for calendar cloth, especially the linen type. Hey, April produced some good people!

  5. The blossoms are so pretty. I also vote to dye a bit of the fringe. You could also do some interesting weaving with it on a patch or two. Have fun!

    1. Hi Jeannie and thanks -- yes, weaving(!) just went on my list of things to try so thanks to you again! ;-)

  6. apple for me. ;-)

  7. there is something just so happy about pompoms!! i've used bits of vintage trim to spin into yarn. it's also cute for wrapping packages. love seeing what you are up to!

    i've never seen calendar cloth - is it printed somewhere or did you stitch the numbers?!

    1. Hi Drucilla and oh, yes, I do agree with you about pompoms and that sounds very cool about spinning it into yarn!! The cloth is from those old linen yearly calendars that doubled as dish/tea towels after the year was over. I just cut the month of April out from a 1972 calendar! Some are cotton but I like the linen ones better.

  8. You inspired me to bring some apple blossoms in...
