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Monday, April 2, 2012

----- moonday

One of my sewing rituals is to go into the sewing room and sit at the table. It's usually covered with cloth projects, pin cushions, and floss-wrapped clothespins. So I just sit there. Sometimes for quite a while. Then I pick up a cloth and ask what it would like and one thing leads to another and soon we're off and running. Probably everyone has a process like this.

One day a cloth asked for three red lines ----- and then the next day another one wanted red lines ----- and yesterday the green hand wanted a red spiral and ----- some red lines. It seems to me that all three have been enlivened just a smidgen.

It's believed that if you listen to "the voices", follow your intuition, and act on your hunches they'll all get stronger. Okay then.

Today is a waxing moonday in the sign of Leo. Ruled by the sun, Leo helps us to be more assertive and less afraid of attention, yet still playful. With Leo, we can face the sun and face the future whether that means giving a presentation or entertaining guests or stitching red lines all over everything.

Leo rules the heart and circulation, the back and the diaphragm. We have a tendency to go-go-go now resulting in disrupted sleep from so much going on. I experienced exactly that the other night, it didn't dawn on me that it was likely intensified by Leo energy. Sometimes things really do make sense, don't they?

Wishing you a sunny moonday. Where I live in Colorado, we probably won't even get a glimpse of the sun -- we're expecting rain-turning-to-snow and I had to put the cozy right back on the beehive this morning. But I really do wish you a sunny day!


  1. those cloths sure know what they want, don't they. looks like they were right because they are just beautiful.

    1. Thanks so much, Deanna. It's slow-going but that's okay.

  2. I too listen to the cloth. Sometimes it reminds me (usually at a time when I should be asleep) that it wanted purple or red. I oblige. The weather gets odder and odder, doesn't it! We had a little rain. The Cascades act like a giant umbrella and keep us arid. The coolness is what is concerning me. I like to be in the garden, rain or shine, but when it is at least 55 degrees. LOL! This too shall pass and I'll be complaining about the heat, it happens every year. Wishing you and the bees a warm nest to sit and stitch.

    1. Jeannie, that's funny -- I think of all kinds of random stuff during the night, too. Guess we're more receptive then? I didn't know that about the Cascades, interesting. We have pollution sometimes that just sits here because of the bowl effect from our mountains. And potential precipitation sometimes goes right on by because of them, too. There's always something. ;-))) It snowed all day very lightly but tomorrow it will be sunny. Yay.

  3. It is always a good idea to listen to your ART!

    1. Sara, it is! Cloth is definitely teaching me something here, now if I can just apply it to other parts of my life . . . .;-)

  4. Lovely----all of it, including your wise words. I am practicing listening (and responding), too. Thank you.

    1. Hi Chris, thank you -- yes, it's the response that energizes the guidance. I like that!

  5. I love just a touch of red in cloth. Perfect.
    I know what you are talking you look at a cloth
    and you just know what it needs. It could be called "cloth speaks".
    Oh! that would be a good name for a blog :)

    I am wishing you sunnier days <3

    1. Marie, that's so great -- cloth speaks -- I love it, it should be the title of something!! Thanks and we're expecting sunshine tomorrow after 24 hours of light snow. It really didn't amount to much though....

  6. love how you wrote about all of this, imagining a picture book of cloth & stitcher talking together. reminds me of my first short story in grade school, about a piece of red felt being turned into a pin cushion. & i love that top piece. i enjoy this kind of listening, too. & things always go better when i do.

    1. Cindy, that sounds like a pretty good story you wrote, sort of a foreshadowing of what was to come! ;-)
      I've learned a lot from the slow cloth mindset, am hoping there's some carryover to other parts of my life, as well!

  7. Oh lovely, I love red and especially red stitches. I loved your bee post and now they have to be wrapped up again. I think the weather is weird everywhere - we had a very cool summer by Australian standards and now, when it is autumn, the temperature has suddenly rocketed up.

    1. Robyn, thank you -- with the crazy weather, I may be wrapping and unwrapping the bees for another month! I sure hope not though. I didn't realize that you had a cool summer, I hope that means we'll get cooler temperatures this summer, too! We had a mild winter so maybe yours will be, too. We can hope. ;-)

  8. Hi, I agree with that...when I listen more and the stronger that "voice" gets.
    Love your stitches.
    In answer to your question.....the flower in my photo is a Dead Nettle (Lamium maculatum) least I think so, very pretty isn't it, the bees love it.
    Much love to you.
    Trish (Soul soup sister)...I am at work and not logged in!

    1. Hi Trish, thank you! Oh, Lamium! Just beautiful, I'm going to have to plant some, it does well here too, I think. Thanks! Love back.
