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Friday, March 9, 2012

full moon circle art

Every time I went out to visit the moon last night, it was brighter. I even looked it up because it was so bright but evidently astronomers didn't agree with me -- not for naught though because I was happily reminded of the super moon, the brightest in 19 years, last March, remember that?

I painted the girl in a circle of stones. She's centered . . . which is what I'm working on every minute of every day, it seems, aren't we all? There are the blueberry stones again -- they are lapis lazuli and when they're polished they look like this. The heart is a moss agate attuned with the heart chakra and balance, and the itty canvas is a 3" square.

The full moon is when to name and celebrate our accomplishments, realizations, relationships, projects begun, and all forms of gifts. This act of recognition and gratitude always surprises me especially when I'm positive not a darn thing has happened that month. And full moon energy doesn't end abruptly when the day is over, it continues for a few days so I plan on carrying it through at least part of this weekend.

If you've made full moon art, stitching, painting, photos, poetry, etc., I'd love to see and post it, so please share by leaving a link in the comments -- or -- emailing me a photo or file for the drawing down the moon page on the sidebar.

Happy full moon and weekending! xo


  1. yes she was beautiful and clear last night, no matter what astronimers say.
    On a full moon walk with my friend we enjoyed looking at her.

    1. Martine, yes she was. I love it that you refer to the moon as she. I normally do, too!

  2. Oh Peggy! This painting! I _feel_ it. Yes, always trying for centre and balance, and feels so good when I manage it on the rare occasion. Talking of balance...I love how the moon is balanced on rainbow fingertips in your cloth :~)

    Lapis is one of my favourites....along with turquoise. Every seven years or so, I indulge in a piece of jewellery. One of my favourites is a Lapis Lazuli disc necklace, set in silver, with a small rainbow moonstone at its centre

    Yes, I remember the Super Moon...and, like last night, we were clouded over :~( but also like this full moon, we got to see it the night am grateful for that!

    Happy continuing-influence-of-full-moon and weekend! :~)

    1. Helen, thanks for your kind words -- being in the circle helps! I would love to see your necklace, have you shown it on your blog? You should, if you haven't, it sounds beautiful. I think that's a really good idea to buy some fabulous jewelry every seven years, I may have to follow suit on that one. It's been almost nine years since I've gotten any, so I'd have some catching up to do. Oh darn. Ha.

      I suppose the super moon was a pretty big deal at your house last year, with the astronomer man and all. ;-) Happy weekend!

  3. Love, love, love your painting....and I love lapis

    1. Thank you, Trish! It's primitive, but hey. I am starting to feel a little more comfortable with a paintbrush in hand. Now that I've seen polished lapis lazuli, I'm in love too. But it's beautiful unpolished, as well.

    2. Thank you so much for the lovely message you left me over at my place....thankfully these precious pockets of land are being cared for by volunteers and by the norfolk wildlife trust. These habitats are so important for wildlife.
      Have a wonderful weekend.

    3. p.s I am wearing my lapis lazuli ring reminded me I had it, buried in the bottom of my jewelry box. All love.

    4. I'm coming over to see if you've posted a photo of it, by chance?!

  4. The moon was a joy to see last night and as she rose, she seemed closer than she did last march, if marginally smaller.
    My pal in Australia sees it just ahead of me and we touch base, saying if wed caught sight of it each month.
    Shes figured that if she manages to live another 20 years then shes only got another 240 sightings left!

    1. Lyn, what a beautiful ritual of connection you and your friend do each month. I just love that. That's sort of how it feels here in blogworld when we describe the moon to each other. Thank you for reminding me of that.

      The countdown idea is sobering, isn't it? Make haste, don't waste -- something like that?

  5. Had to come back and look again at your painting is so compelling.

  6. Peggy this a wonderful little painting...yes, we are all striving for that 'balance' in our life. I love the cirlce of stones surrounding your woman standing under an indigo sky with that luminous moon and then the circle of lapis lazuli surrounding your painting. So beautiful.

    I will post my moon was a gift I won online and I'm going to use in my cloth.

    Jacky xox

    1. Jacky, thank you so much. I like to think of her as me with long hair. ;-)

      I'll watch for your moon, can't wait to see it!

  7. Hi Peggy,

    Oh I just love your little painting! And the moon cast such a luminous aura all around. I agree it was brighter and created a kind of light I have not see in a while. Beautiful!

    1. Thank you, Marie -- to our beautiful, bright goddess moon!

  8. I love your painting, I like the way your full moon woman's (You!)hair flows back, an unseen night breeze. And you set the scene so well, with your lovely blue stones, there's such a ceremionial feeling about it. And thankyou too for your perceptive comments on my moon art, and my sweet hen,, sadly away now following the moonbeams.

    1. Nanette, thanks -- this little painting was a ritual in itself, I like that you say "ceremonial" -- that seems exactly right. And I'd like to know more about your chickens, maybe I'll go back in time on your blog?

  9. Full moon comes so quickly on your blog! I too love that circle of stones and specially in blue - hugs Nat

    1. Nat, I know, time goes too fast. Thank you for the circle love!

  10. your creations are both powerful and gentle...that finger tip moon- just the thing.

    1. Thanks, Cindy -- I'm always fiddling with that finger tip moon, always, always!

  11. Lovely circle! I have a green stone heart, and am now inspired to place it in a circle. My moons have been cloudy, but then the Wesfern sky opens up to show the beautiful dance of Venus and Jupiter. They seemed especially bright last night. Was tempted to add them to my painting! I have to thank you for this monthly inspiration to create art -- I totally lose myself in the painting, and that is the "point", not whether it is "good".

    1. Jo, thank you. I love that you share your paintings. Who would have ever thought that we'd be painting moonscapes together, you in FL, me in CO?
