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Monday, March 19, 2012

equinox moonday

I've gone back to the center of the magic diaries cloth, flying dreams, again to see about the lights and darks and how to place them. The circles, or moons, have started flying off into dream space -- in some cases, only pieces of the circles. I'm not sure where this is all headed. I'd never thought of the words, dream space, until just this minute, but that's really what it is.

Today is Spring Equinox here in Colorado of the US. The Equinoxes are mid-points between the major energy shifts of Solstices. So today is the last day of winter or summer and tomorrow is the first full day of spring or autumn, depending on where you're planted.  I woke up this morning thinking about what this even means to me. Balance came up so I listed 22 things in my life that flow better when balanced. Then I realized each of us has a different point of balance, what is perfect for one person may be out of wack for the other. And maybe I don't need to try so hard, making lists and all.

Author/healer/teacher Vicki Noble says it's not necessary to "do" all the sacred seasonal holidays because if we simply make space to observe and pay attention, the holidays will "do" us. I like that. The energy of Equinox can do us if we watch and listen.

Today is a waning moonday entering the sign of watery and emotional Pisces. Pisces is known for feeling things on a deep inner level -- it heightens our sense of compassion but also our ability to dissolve and release the emotional pain that may come from that. Boundaries and plans can be blurry now, too -- what we had thought was established may now change or be changed.

Pisces is the twelfth sign of the zodiac so we are once again at the feet. (In a few days Aries, the first sign, will influence the top of the body, the head.) Issues around the feet may be experienced and, as always, healing those same issues will be well-done on Pisces days. Paying attention may be all we need to do to benefit from these planetary energies, we may not need to "do" them, they will "do" us.

Happy watching and listening this Equinox day!


  1. Peggy, the cloth looks really fine. the colors are so suited to one another. i like the little moon's individual aspects as well. are the words on cloth or paper. hard for me to tell...maybe you mentioned it before? my seeds are just now waiting to break the top of the soil but your's look darn happy. lovely.

    1. Hey, thanks, Henrietta -- the writing on muslin is Rumi cloth I made last year -- under the label on the sidebar "written word cloth projects" you can see how I made it. I like having it in my stash to tear off a piece every now and then. Hope your seeds pop through looking darn happy, too!

  2. i just love all those little circles with the different edgings and it all fits in so well with the weavings. i started some seeds yesterday...hope they do as well as yours are doing. i love seeing the little plant popping out of the soil.

    1. Thank you, Deanna -- I'm starting to think I may work on this for years! And that's okay, it's got to be. Happy vibes to your seeds!

  3. Your cloth is gorgeous. I love the moon with its chantings and craters. I also started some seeds yesterday. The ground is still too cold for direct planting (my preferred method). The planting and watching the seeds grow really connects me to the cycles of the season. Wishing you a beautiful week.

    1. Thanks, Jeannie and I'm loving your profile picture -- did you take that? It's awesome. Anyway, I very much like the idea of craters, that's something I hadn't seen before so thanks for that insight. Yes, too cold here, too, I suppose but I'm going to plant peas this week no matter what by golly. A great week to you, too!

  4. Peggy I just love how your cloth is evolving...all of those little planetary circles evolving and your beautiful fabric weaving (one of my favourite things ever that I have learnt). Your cloth made me smile this morning.
    Our leaves are beginning to turn here, beginning to fall. The earth still have a lovely warmth, but the days are definately getting cooller.
    I enjoyed learning more about equinox.

    Jacky xox

    1. Jacky, thank you so much -- and yes, the act of weaving is so -- almost comforting in a way. And satisfying. And calming. So many things! I thought I saw somewhere, maybe in MD class that you were going to do some weaving... happy autumn equinox to you, Jacky.

  5. It really does look lovely. The centre piece is delightful.

    1. Thanks to you, Lyn! That cloth set you sent is always out on the table, I'm always playing around with them. Have you done anything more with yours? The moons are just perfect. What would I have done without you? ;-)) I just added a link to show how they got here!

  6. Peggy, your cloth looks amazing, I just love the blues and the neutrals/earthier tones together, they look beautiful. I just got distracted by scrabbling sounds in the roof - darn it, I think those possums have found a way in somewhere. We have seen off two invasions in the past but then there was someone around who could climb into the roof space. Oh well, such is life.

    1. Robyn, thank you, those colors are the bulk of it at this point, but am bringing in greens and I don't know what else next! Wow, possums? I've never seen one, I don't think! Last summer we had a wasp nest in the walls and they'd get into the house, I'd wake up to them cruising over my head. It was a nightmare, but we finally got rid of them. Hope it goes smoothly for you.

  7. Every time I see this one, I say, "Oh yes, I remember this cloth. I really like it!" Love the colors circling around :)

    Robyn: good luck with those possums! we have lots of them around here.

    1. Nancy, thanks, it keeps surfacing!

      Possums must be a handful!

  8. Thank you for providing such lovely words and photos----"dream space"----to help us all more mindfully experience our lives. . . .

  9. I like very much to watch and listen.
    Much love to you.

    1. Trish, I think I knew that about you! ;-) Love back.

  10. Love the "quartered" moon in your Magic Diaries Cloth!
    I love to see things evolving quiet and slowly with the different people that are blogging about their work ;-)

    1. Thank you, Els! Yes, I know what you mean. Isn't it wonderful to have discovered slow cloth? It used to be I'd feel bad if I didn't work as fast as I could.
