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Monday, March 26, 2012

digging deep moonday

This woven dark/light cloth was always meant to be cut into a moon. But then indecision and panic set in and I couldn't do it, so I told myself it was just as useful as a square component. After I saw Jude dig deeply and use her scissors the other day in the magic diaries class, well, that changed things. I cut. 

Below is a cockeyed, makeshift design wall, skirt hangers on nails and masking tape. I've seen cotton batting used as a surface for a design wall, has anybody used wool batting? I'm trying not to make a lot of holes in the wall.

Today is a waxing moonday in Taurus. This earthy day slows us down and helps us to focus on our roots -- how strong, how deep, and how stable they are. You know the times when we really need to dig deep for strength and courage? I see those times as drawing on our roots. We all need them.

Today is also a good day to continue planting all kinds of seeds. Seeds of things we wish for and seeds in the garden. Or seeds of qualities like hope, patience and tolerance. The act of writing or envisioning what we want to grow in our lives is like planting a seed in the most fertile earth. I use paper, cloth, rocks, eggs, and real plant seeds to hold and symbolize what it is I'm growing. Parts of the cloth up above are examples of this.

Taurus rules the neck, throat, and jaws including the voice, teeth, ears, and thyroid gland. Sore throats are one of the first symptoms of colds or flu. A sore throat also sometimes serves as a warning to watch it, and if we pay attention, we can avoid an illness. Some people get a sore throat from too much sugar or a food they are allergic to. If I had a sore throat today, I'd thank Taurus for the warning and then take steps to avoid getting sick -- no sugar, hot tea, and a spicy soup.

To sowing seeds that root deeply.


  1. just beautiful. love the color combinations and good for you to give it a snip.

    1. Hi Henrietta! Thank you. Greatly influenced by Jude -- when I heard her saying I'm going to cut, I was cheering for her!

  2. that cut circle is marvelous. my design wall is a beige flannel over some foam board (several of them joined together) and double stick taped (the sturdy kind) to the wall. no holes in the wall at all.

    1. Thank you, Deanna! Oh, now that's a good way to go -- I'd seen your design wall on your blog -- that is genius to use double-stick tape. Did you use insulation board from Home Depot or the board from craft stores? And how did you attach the flannel then? Have you posted about it? I'll email you if you don't see this.

  3. i love your woven cloth, its beautiful and i'm thankful for Deanna's tip. Going to try that.

    1. Thanks, Martine! I'm liking Deanna's tip, too, sounds perfect, doesn't it?

  4. Wouldnt have thought of hanging a blanket or fabric like that to be a design wall........I learn so much from you folks!
    And that woven piece which so calming as it was, has come alive as a moon, now it looks rich and full bodied.

    1. Lyn, thanks about the woven, it has come alive, yes! A design wall will be a luxury, can't wait.

  5. Your moon is beautiful! I know how hard it is to cut up the woven cloth, but the result you got is fantastic. Tarus is really testing my neck, so I will listen and try to heal. Thanks! I use a flannel backed tablecloth for a design wall. I get the really cheap ones from the dollar store. Wishing you a beautiful week.

    1. Thank you, Jeannie -- I'm glad I did it. Builds character to do such things. ;-)

      Oh that Taurus, do take good care of yourself.

      Well, now! -- the tablecloth is a great idea, too. And it just sticks? So you never have to pin? Or do you pin onto the tablecloth?

      A great week to you, too, and thanks for the idea!

  6. makes a beautiful moon!!! Good for you for going for it :)

    1. Thank you, Nancy -- it should be easier next time!

  7. this is going to be a powerful cloth- those moons! the woven one is beautiful- nicely cut!

    1. Cindy, thanks, the energy in it is building once again!

  8. I'm a Taurean, guess that's why I feel compelled to comment when I see beautiful things, like your moon (know how you feel, the first cut etcetc) and gratitude for the strength and deep roots bit, that is exactly what I need right now. And thanks Deanna - I have benoaning the lack of a design wall (draping over lounge chairs just doesn't cut it) and that is a great idea.

  9. Er - that should be "bemoaning" - senior moment!

    1. Robyn, that's right, Taurus sun signs have a deep appreciation of beautiful things -- a really nice quality, I think. So thank you for the compliment!

      I agree Deanna's design wall sounds great. Am thinking about what's next in order to make one....a flannel-backed tablecloth, as Jeannie mentioned, also is super easy .....?? We'll see!

  10. I am glad you were brave and cut the looks fantastic!

  11. Your design wall is so, so beautiful Peggy, and the moon you cut just shines out at me...look what being brave did! The stars on Elm Tree Spirit shine brilliantly too. BB x x

    1. Helen, thanks so much -- I'm thinking that once in a while, a person gets lucky. Oh, I really really want to make a good design wall. It will help so much to get beyond this system, hangers and masking tape. ;-)) BB
