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Wednesday, February 29, 2012


I had a terrible craving for green. Planting up a terrarium and then another followed by one more took care of it. Here's how it went. I'd gone to a garden center only to get a green fix and some seeds but left with gravel, charcoal, and some tiny plants. I swear I was high when I walked out (the natural kind). I hear some people feel that way when they buy clothes or shoes or anything, but in this case it was plants.

I used glass containers from the basement -- an old jar, a ginger jar vase, and a bowl for floating flowers in. Then a silver horse from when I was little, an metal bell, and a goddess figure. Stones and moss. That's it.

One for the living room, one for the kitchen, one for the sewing room.


  1. beautiful terrariums. i've tried them several times with no luck. i love the reflection of the lace on the bottom section of the glass bowl.

    1. Thanks, Deanna -- I haven't done that great with them either but it's been a long enough time, probably the 70's. At any rate, these will last longer than flowers!

  2. I want did such a great job. I love

    1. Trish, thanks -- you and your girls should make some!

  3. Replies
    1. Sara, thanks, they nourish something deep within. Sort of a mossy, enchanted forest vibe!

  4. The ginger jar is so beautiful with the doily reflection. Like you, I am starved for green. I walk around the garden checking to see if there are any signs of spring. This week the croci are opening - yea! Like you, I also get a natural high visiting the nursery. There are no mirrors, or styles - just glorious color. Enjoy the green.

    1. Jeannie -- these helped a lot. Now the three rooms I spend the most time in have a feeling of being in "the green" -- nursery love, sort of like being in the garden, forget worries and problems for that little while. I found one clump of croci blooming, too! Have to look up if honeybees go to them for nectar. If so, need to plant more in the fall! I hope you enjoy the green, too!

  5. I forgot to mention the other green jar of thread! Love it!

  6. How lovely they look! And lush greens to share the air with you.

    1. Lyn, yes, didn't even think of that wonderful connection -- thanks!

  7. I am remembering those clothes pins...I may have to do that! I love your green-fix! They're wonderful. I especially like the silver goddess. We've added potting soil to my mama's rose bush, the rose tree we're trying to keep alive until my neighbor replants it, and a dash to refresh the house plants. That'll have to do for now! :)

    1. Nancy, thank you! Tending the plants we already have feels so good, too, doesn't it? Some of mine need some freshening up, too, thanks for the reminder. Hope the rose will.

      I am absolutely crazy about the thread clothes pins. They not only look pretty cute, it's a great system in every other way including getting a length of thread when you need one. Whoda' thunk?

  8. a Jar of happiness! lovely <3

    1. Thanks, Marie. A good way to say it -- jar of happiness!

  9. Many thanks for the lovely inspiration; such beauty. . . I'd recently remembered a huge terrarium we made in the 70's, too.

  10. love terrariums and yours are great. love the silver horse. the boys made me a couple for christmas, but sadly they haven't made it, our dark house & i am terrible with house plants. you've inspired me to go get new plants & try again.

    1. Thanks, Cindy -- yeah, I have that light problem, too, but these are supposed to be in low light -- we'll see. I could see replanting them yearly just to get me through the winter months though.
