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Monday, January 23, 2012

new moonday activities

I started a pine cone dye bath this morning. It's brewing on a hot plate outside on the patio because I read that pine cones release an irritating steam. It's sort of fun to be cooking something outside even though it's pretty nippy. After I got the pine cones simmering, I made myself a new moon breakfast. Since the new moon will appear below Venus when we first see it in a few days, I made a toast crescent and a Venus egg. You have to use your imagination. Like this *). Then the crows came calling so they had both peanuts and an egg for their new moon breakfast. Today was one of those days where I woke up thinking about the new moon and it was a happy first thought of the new day.  

This new moonday in Aquarius isn't just the beginning of a new lunar phase, it's also the first day of the Year of the Dragon in the Chinese tradition. I've only read a little about it but it's looking like a good time -- high energy, all things possible, powerful, and lucky.

I always try to do a few things to sychronize myself with the new moon's energy of beginnings and possibilities. I usually write some wishes on paper, cloth, or stones. Or make intentions by placing objects in a round basket. Sometimes I stitch something lunar or read something moon-related. I always draw an oracle or tarot card for guidance during the following moonth. Today I have an urge to write some wishes on the undersides of stones when I take the dogs walking. I'd like to make wishes for enough rainfall this year for the plants and trees to thrive, for clean air, for people to tread lightly and clean up after themselves. This comes up because we're facing a possible drought situation in Colorado again. Will I scare people off if they see me writing on rocks? On second thought, maybe I'll just mentally project my wishes.

The moon in Aquarius is a time for work and play in community with others so we may find ourselves drawn away from solitary activities and carried to and fro from here to there and back. It is an airy, imaginative and energetic time as well, befitting the first day of the Year of the Dragon.

Aquarius influences the lower legs to the ankles so we should remember to put our feet up and take a well-deserved rest. Aquarius is a good time for nonstrenuous types of movement. Another thing to remember is standing still too long often aggravates varicose vein conditions in our legs but maybe even more so under an Aquarius moon.

Hoping you're feeling the energy of possibilities. xo


  1. just love your new moon breakfast. what fun. i do have some concern when i'm brewing dye stuff because i do it all in my kitchen. can't wait to see what you get from the pine cones.

  2. Deanna, breakfast was fun and only took an extra minute, if that. The pine cone brew smells heavenly, wouldn't you know! Wish it could be in the house, but probably best to be outside from what I read. The color is looking pretty good already -- since there's no rush it'll sit and/or simmer for a few days yet, I think.

  3. I love this post. Your breakfast looks so yummy and pretty (Much prettier than my bowl of beige oatmeal!) I never thought of putting an egg out for the crows, but it makes perfect sense. I have been gathering spruce, pine, and alder cones, waiting for a thaw so I can set up the camp cooker and give it a go. We have had a very dry winter, on top of a dry 2011. Last week it changed and there is 8 inches of snow and rain in the forecast. People laugh when I tell them that I live in Wa. State and we only get 5-6 inches of precip a year and that is usually snow. Wishing you a creative and beautiful week.

  4. Jeannie, thanks -- I'm wondering -- have you dyed with tree cones before? And do you use a mordant or have plans to use one? I'm using copper for this batch and have soaked some cloth in milk as a pre mordant. Fun to experiment. Wow, Washington is getting slammed! Feast or famine, yes? Stock up on essentials and may your power not go out. A great week to you, too, Jeannie!

  5. I am looking forward to what those pine cones do! I've just cooked a pomegranate remains again. I'd like a darker color, but it is handy, so I used it!

  6. I'd share my rain with you Peggy if I could...non stop for so many days, I've lost count. The tanks are overflowing, this is when I always wish I had another, alas, not enough room.

    I like the idea of you out and about writing on rocks...go on, do it, get those wishes all earthy.

    A happy new moon, dragonish kind of day to you.

  7. Nancy--You just reminded me, I put pomegranate leftovers out for the birds and nobody's come for them yet. I'll have to run out there and get 'em! I haven't dyed with pomegranate yet...

  8. Nanette, we'd love some of your water! Do you collect it for all your needs or irrigation or ? I often wonder how we would do if we were responsible for our own water. I imagine it would be even more precious in that case.

    I took the walk without a pencil, wouldn't you know, and so the wishes were made into the air instead! And I looked totally normal.

    Happy new moon to you, too, Nanette...

  9. Here in Michigan it is considered an extremely dry winter and besides crops I worry about the Great Lakes they need the snow to keep the levels up. And as always, My legs are killing me today. should have known the moon was involved my body tends to follow it pretty well. :)

  10. Peggy, I use the tank water on the garden, for the washing machine and flushing the toilet, and for drinking..altough Council say it's not meant to be, same as using it for the kitchen, silly I say, it's filtered before it gets to me to keep the dead frogs out! I have a tank attached to the chook pen as well, which provides their water needs, cleaning the pen etc, plus watering vegetable gardens at that end of the yard.

    My g/kids live in Ohio and look at me in disbelief when I visit and prattle on about not wasting water, they point out the huge lake on their doorstep, interesting that Helen commented on levels being kept up. It's a finite resource.

  11. crows are so funny and noisy. I wonder sometimes what they are saying to each other?
    I see them as messengers...
    I bet the pinecones do smell good. It makes me wonder if it is the oil in the cone that is not so good to have in the air? Because you can cook pine nuts no problem.

    love your new moon breakfast! I am having my eggs with corn torillas (a full moon, i guess : )

  12. love your breakfast arrangement. curious about what result you will get from pinecones...

  13. Hi Peggy,have you seen this

  14. Helen, oh yes, I'd say you are in tune with the moon and the planets! I didn't realize that about Michigan's water situation, too. Things are wonky again. We just got out of the last drought a few years ago.

  15. Nanette, you really know how precious water is! What you describe sounds very appealing but I know there is a good amount of work to collect and plan for its use. I admire you and your conscious lifestyle.

    Thanks for the prayer flag project link! I'd seen that link but hadn't visited until now. I''m going to check out joining or posting photos, it's so cool.

  16. Marie, I'll remember corn tortillas on the full moon! ;-)

    Yes, I bet the oils are part of it with the pinecones. They boiled for a few hours yesterday and then today again and now look like they're shriveling up. It smells so great though, wish they could cook in the house.

    Crows. I have a chronic case of crow love!

  17. Cindy, the color's looking good so far -- we'll see how it transfers onto cloth! I'll show the results if there are any. ;-)

  18. Wonderful Moonday breakfast...aquarius and the Year of the Dragon are with us. I am feeling a lovely energy.
    I love all the crows that come visit you, such handsome birds.
    Living on the farm we have only rainwater for all household uses (no town water out here). It really does make you more aware of the preciousness of water. I cringe at work when I see how people waste water.

    Jacky xox
