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Monday, January 30, 2012

knitting ritual moonday

Life is so fast. Ritual seems to slow it down and helps me to pause and savor whatever it is I'm doing. A new knitting ritual is in the works -- last night in bed right before sleep, I knitted half a honeycomb for the beekeeper's quilt. This morning in bed, I knitted the other half. The night half was increasing, the morning half was decreasing. Sort of like a moon cycle. 

So I made up a little supply basket for the nights and mornings ahead. And do you notice the little blueberry-like stones around the Solstice candle? They are real and were bought from a rock & mineral booth at a fair. The man who sold them to me was an expert and I should've written down their name and where they were harvested from but I didn't. I think it was either Colorado or Arizona. 

Today is a waxing half moonday in Taurus. Some Taurus moon aspects are patience, tolerance, and increased willpower. Taurus energies are thought to be best applied to projects already begun rather than beginning new ones. I see these next days as ideal for activities that normally test my patience. Slow and steady as she goes. Digging in.

Taurus is an Earth sign that influences the jaw, throat and neck area including the thyroid gland, teeth, ears, larynx, and vocal chords. That means conditions of these parts can be either more easily aggravated or more easily treated and healed under a Taurus moon. On the healing end, it's good to remember that it takes time to heal, maybe longer than it took to get sick in the first place, steady progress being the goal. Also, Taurus days can feel cooler than normal so it doesn't hurt to have an extra layer of clothing handy.

Will have to find another time for reading with the new bedtime knitting ritual. Any yeas or nays on these books?


  1. your honeycombs are so soft and lovely. and the blueberry stones...interesting.

  2. I am seeing a pattern in life lately...that each little thing we do is a little building block even if it does not seem like it all at once.....
    your little honeycomb shapes are lovely.
    I did not know there was such a thing as blueberry stones??? interesting : )
    Don't know these books....
    Love your little goddess is she hand carved wood?

  3. I don't know the books. I'm reading The Liars Club (very good). The little stones are interesting (and unknown to me). Please tell us about the little carving, or is it stone? It reminds me of a small stone statue I have.
    Love the colors of the beekeeper's hexies. I bet they feel so soft!
    here is something that you may like, saw it on FB this am

  4. Thanks, Deanna, the honeycombs are slow-going!

  5. Thank you, Marie -- one step at a time is easier to live under a Taurus moon, I think. I can hope so anyway! And the figure is a casting of some sort, very smooth and feels like stone, but isn't. I love her.

  6. Nancy, I love that site! Awesome. Thank you SO much, I'm going to go back again and again, I know already.

    The figure is a casting, not stone, but feels and looks like stone. She was a gift many years ago and will probably stay with me forever.

    The hexies will all be in bee/honey colors so that calls for more yarn. Oh darn. ;-)

  7. I have not read the books, but they look enticing. Speaking of which, your hexies are so pretty. I keep thinking of a muff I had when I was little that Gram made - soft & colorful. I love the little blueberry stones. Why do we love stones? I have rocks from all over the US and rarely don't pick up a couple on my walk. Rocks, stones, feathers, seed pods, leaves - there is a theme here! Wishing you a beautiful week. (Isn't that bee site wonderful! I loved the close up shots.)

  8. Jeannie, thanks, and I like that the hexies bring up such a nice memory for you. Hey, my kind of theme, too -- I was just thinking how crazy it is that we buy stones and feathers and dried flowers and pinecones from big-box craft stores when it's all right outside, just go out the door and there it is. That site is wonderful, indeed, I'll be hanging around there for a while!

  9. I just want to poke and smooch your hexies, they look ...well smoochable.

    I have Caleb's Crossing on my to - read list, the story appealed to me, but I haven't read it yet. Could you listen to audio books while you knit....I don't think I could give up having a book in my hands, and imagining the voices etc myself, but I love that I can be read to when I want to do other things, otherwise I'd read all day.

  10. Nanette, ha! They are very fun to make, too.

    I love Geraldine Brooks -- she's always written great historically accurate "fiction" so I figure that one's a sure thing. I started the Leningrad one last night after half a hexie but only got to page 13. I haven't done very well with audio books in the past, always had to rewind when I missed something, and it turned into a big mess. But sitting still and focused.... that is actually a great idea so thanks! Hope you're drying out.

  11. I love your knitting ritual....and the beekeeper's quilt is amazing!xxx

  12. newsy post, much like a face to face visit, fun.

    thank you.

  13. I can't believe me and the moon , the tooth that I have a crown on and no root supposedly in it has been throbbing all day like it needs a root canal but that can't be possible. ha! I love the hexes too. I don't know these books, but I read a few really good ones lately, and The Language of Flowers seems like one you might like it's a novel but it also talks about the flowers and there meanings as that is how a girl communicates. I really liked it. I would like to know how you learned about the reading of the moon etc. would love to learn.

  14. you make me wonder what it would be like to have whole days of ritual? i love the few i have, including the square each morning. you strike me as a very centered soul. your hexis are even calming in their honey colored shades.

  15. wild magnolia, thank you for your kind words!

  16. Helen, you really are a moonchild! The good thing is that things pass. I'm sort of like you in that way.

    Thanks about the hexies, they're sweet little poufs. And I remember reading about that book, The Language of Flowers, will put it on my booklist, thanks!

    I just really have followed moon phases for so long, but I'm not an expert, I studied herbalism not astrology! And books, always books!, collected over the years that I refer to. Sometime I'll do a post on moon books.

  17. Cindy, I love your morning ritual of sewing, so beautiful. Thanks for your kind words, but the centeredness you sense is only part of me and I, too, need ritual to calm down. And handwork. And sometimes wine! I'm trying to do the hexies in colors associated with bees and their honey, etc....we'll see!
