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Monday, January 16, 2012

chiming half moonday

A dark and light piece was woven this morning to the chiming of three angels. Even when the chime isn't lit, they make little tinkling sounds. The Sun XIX was my Solstice card for the coming year, appropriately, and the herb on this card is angelica. It's interesting that I planted angelica last year and it will bloom this summer. I normally don't really feel that much connection with angel energy but once in a while I bring angel objects together without even realizing it -- and I go whoa, the angels are here again.

Someday the weaving will be a moon, half dark and half light.

MLK. Today a courageous man is remembered and honored. Even though I was young and basically unaware of social issues when he illuminated the darkness, I feel lucky to have been alive at the same time, that in some way our lives intersected.

This moonday's waning half moon is under the sign of Scorpio. The waning moon phase is when to let go of things -- and not just stuff or projects but also inner baggage. Scorpio helps us to deepen and go inward to reflect on exactly what it is we want to carry along on this life journey. Just as the moon's gravitational pull lessens on the Earth now, we may more easily release that which we hold too tightly.

It's believed that a waning moon is the time to do things like mow the lawn and trim your hair and fingernails. I've been tracking my haircuts but learned there's also the season to consider because evidently hair grows faster in the spring and summer. So I really haven't figured anything out yet.

Scorpio's influence on the body pertains to the sexual parts and the urinary system. Conditions of those parts may be either more easily healed or aggravated. When you keep in mind that Scorpio is an intense water sign, this makes sense. A good few days to stay hydrated -- I've been forgetting to do that lately.

Good letting-go vibes to you. xo


  1. I love your weaving and the resulting moon will be beautiful. I like what you wrote about the moon in Scorpio. I need to learn more about this, any suggestions? Off to drink more water and unpack some inner baggage. :) Wishing you a beautiful day.

  2. love seeing your weaving with the candle glow.

  3. Jeannie, thank you, I'm excited about this woven moon-to-be and it was totally inspired by the phase of the moon today. Would you be interested in some book titles maybe? I hope you're having a great day, too!

  4. Thanks, Deanna, it was still pretty dark in the room when I was finished. We've had a grey snowy day here. I talked to my sister in TX and she said it was close to 70!

  5. Am trying to pay more attention to the moon grateful for your words of wisdom about it ( her ) the woven piece...

  6. Suzanna -- thank you,I'm no expert, just a moonwatcher/lunatic! It felt so good to get back to weaving some cloth, maybe it needs to be a more regular practice...

  7. Peggy- lovely weaving...and who doesn't have too much baggage! Good points here :)

  8. Thanks, Nancy! I'm going to go do some invisible basting right now. I remember when your grandson was invisible basting -- I thought that was amazing...

  9. We need ritual and tradition and awareness. Thank you, for sharing.

  10. wild magnolia -- ritual, tradition, awareness -- well said! Thank you!
