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Monday, January 9, 2012

art-full moonday

I'm calling the January full moon flying moon. Flying fascinates me in both dream life and earth life. Last night I went outside to see the night sky three times -- first I noticed the moon was a lovely soft yellow in a deep lavender sky. By my last visit, it was stark white in black night. For flying purposes, I preferred the former over the latter. Painted on a 3" square mini canvas.

If you already have or are still stitching/painting/drawing/photographing full-moon art this week, see the end of this post for how to link so we can share with each other.

Today is a full moonday in the sign of Cancer. For some of us, this technically occurred yesterday, but let's just say we all have a full moon right now. The full moon is a time to recognize and celebrate the fullness in our lives. I make a list on paper sometimes, when things to recognize, much less celebrate, don't come to mind easily. And it's always surprising how large that list turns out to be once I get going. Think of creative projects completed, organizing goals and officework/homework/housework accomplished, and relationships in a good place. Include questions that have been answered over the last weeks and new directions you've thought of or begun. Eating healthy food, walking more -- there's lots of reasons to celebrate in my opinion.

The sign of Cancer influences parts of both the respiratory and the digestive systems -- the lungs down to the gall bladder. Later today, the moon will move into the sign of Leo -- Leo affects the heart and circulation and is a mover of energy. While Cancer is watery and introverted, Leo is fiery and outgoing so hang on to your hat (or hair).

Share your full-moon art! Leave a link in the comments or email me a photo.

Blogger doesn't make a comment link active automatically like other formats, so I poked around a little to find out how and it's really easy. Just copy exactly the following black letters/symbols and fill in the green ones with your information. Don't miss that space between the a and h at the beginning and don't forget the quotation marks.

<a href="url address">words you want to appear</a>

Or, you can leave the URL within your comment and we can copy and paste to visit you. Either way is fine and this will be open-ended with no deadline! And I'll set up a separate full-moon art page at some point.

through the kitchen skylight


  1. I sent a link to your post to my daughter, who---like me---is a "lunatic," suffering all sorts of extremes of emotion during full moon times. I mentioned to her that perhaps following your idea of ritualizing and celebrating the full moon in some artistic way each month will, at least, keep us out of trouble!

    Thanks again for sharing your beauty and wisdom.

  2. i celebrated the full moon on the 7th, since it looked full and i new we would be overcast and rainy on the 9th. love your painting.

  3. I celebrated the full moon with a little stitching. fullmoonart

    I wasn't sure where to copy the info you gave, so finger's crossed.

  4. Well, that didn't seem to work, but if you click on my picture that will take you to my blog.

  5. Chris, thanks for the kind words. I hope ritualizing a little full moon art keeps us all out of trouble!

  6. Thanks, Deanna, your double exposure photo of the moon is very wonderful!

  7. Nanette, that's ok, it's really just as easy to click on your photo or name. I love your moon stitching. Now I'm torn between stitching and painting. Next month may be stitching, I can feel it in "me bones"...

  8. I love your little painting Peggy, she looks like she's calmly and serenely enjoying her upward flight.. sorry meant to say so before, but was just so excited about a) actually making my stitched moon and b) managing to blog it...that I forgot to say.

    I'm going to stick with stitching, don't paint too well! It will be good to see what we come up with next time.

  9. I saw many big moons the last two nights. Each time I ran out for an errand or coming home from work. Beautiful. My daughter commented that the moon seemed too close. No specific art done for moon day
    : (
    Maybe next month : )
    Love your flying moon picture.
    I have had vivid dreams the last two nights. I love it because I normally do not get to dream.

  10. I really LOVE your art from me I'm afraid...maybe next full

  11. Nanette, thank you! I am so loving this full moon ritual and I can't wait either, to see what we come up with!

  12. Marie, maybe your dreams WERE your moon art!

  13. Thank you, Trish -- and there's always the next moon...

  14. Here is a link to my blog showing you the Moon Art that I did for January. A Time To Dance a Moon Dance

    I enjoyed making this and reminding myself that I can transform the present with a Thankful Heart.

  15. Oh Peggy I forgot to share on here last full moon. I stitched a beautiful raggedy moon gifted by a friend to my cloth in celebration.
    An idea is brewing for the next one.

    Jacky xox
