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Monday, December 12, 2011

painted mini moonday

I went outside last night to visit the still-full moon and this is what it looked like to me. Since I don't have much luck taking photos of the moon, I decided to try to paint it even though I'm a beginner in the truest sense. It was such a nice time. Now I'm thinking of painting or stitching every full moon for a year and then hanging them all together. The mini-canvas is only about 2.5 x 3.5 inches. From the checkout aisle at JoAnn's and inspired by this.

Today is a waning moonday in the sign of Cancer. Cancer is watery and also emotional so you know what that means. I don't mind the actual act of making tears so much, it's the after-effects I don't like -- the puffy, sore, tender eyes that take at least one day to go away -- I hate that part. And I do think it's true that tears of happiness don't do that, it's the other kind that cause the problems.

Cancer rules the body area from the lungs to the gallbladder. So take deep breaths, remember digestive bitters at or before mealtime, and eat healthy. Digestive bitters can be something as simple as arugula added to salad or a sip of peppermint tea. Bitters stimulate the appetite and enhance digestion -- they are so good for us, it's too bad about their name. A bitter can't be taken in a capsule because it must be tasted; the taste buds reflex sets off the brain reflex that sets off the digestive reflexes. Some common herbal bitters are dandelion, hops, tarragon, gentian, and chamomile; a few bitter greens are escarole, kale, mizuna, endive, mustard, watercress, and sorrel. 

Here's to a day with only happy tears and healthy bitters for all!


  1. Oh Peggy, your painting brought happy tears to my eyes. It is beautiful. I do hope you continue to paint, it is a gift that you have. Do the Angostura bitters I used to put in my gin and tonics count? :D Wishing you a beautiful week with only happy tears.

  2. what a perfect setting for your beautiful painting. did you use oil paints? you have twice brought happy tears to my eyes today.

  3. I love your painting. It is so simple yet beautiful. I love your idea of painting every full moon for a year.
    Tears come so easily for me, they always have. Unfortunately along with puffy eyes I also get a headache!
    Thank you for the info on bitters. I drink a lot of herbal infusions and it took me a while to get used to their taste, especially hops, but it helps me to sleep well...and it is good for me.
    Happy tears and healthy bitters to you too!xxx

  4. I love your painting. Amazing what can be done with a few simple brush strokes. :)

  5. Jeannie, absolutely yes about the Angostura and that's what I'd call multi-purposing! ha. Although the alcohol might counter the effect somewhat! Thanks about the little painting, you are too nice. Happy tears to you!

  6. Deanna, oh thank you so much...just used what I had here, some acrylic craft paints.

  7. Thank you, Trish! I'd love company, whoever else out there who might want to paint little moons, too? I suppose tears really are cleansing but the headache is no fun -- interesting, more water connections for you, you must be a water sign?

  8. Inga, thank you. It's so small it makes me look good!

  9. I think I'd like to paint moons with you too.
    I love your picture.

  10. Thank you, Pat! That would be fun -- post a photo of your painted moon each month right after the full moon on your blog. Then include a link in the comments of my next painted mini moon post! Does that sound okay?

  11. I love your moon among the snowflakes :)
    I too hate the headache and can cry at the drop of a hat! Oy!

  12. Oh "Mini Moonday" is a beautiful little painting and I love that idea of painting each full moon for a year.
    I would like to take part too...but I think I will stitch moons. I am wondering if there was a lunar influence when I stitched all of those dots (which are moons to me).
    Looking forward to seeing everyones moons.
    I was in awe of the beautiful bright moon outside my kitchen window last night..such a dark sky and brilliant moon my side of the world.

    Jacky xox

  13. Thank you, Jacky -- this might be a really fun little moon project for the coming year! Well, I guess you'd have nine moons done already then, huh? Ha. Your words "my side of the world" struck a note for some reason. I mean I know you're all the way 'round the bend from here but it just sounded so nice...

    I'll post about the mini-moons closer to the next full moon and I might stitch some of mine too...we'll see.

  14. I love your painting and the moon idea...I'm pondering that...seems like such a good way of honoring our lunar companion...

  15. Thanks, Suzanna, I'm excited to continue this ritual each moonth...
